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Australian Arabian Horse News Magazine September 2011 Volume 45 No. 3 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Equestrian)
The Australian Arabian Horse News is the magazine of choice for people passionate about the Arabian breed. The issue features Egyptian Arabian horse studs in Australia, a tribute to Simeon Stud’s magnificent stallion Imperial Madaar in Greener Pastures and a beautifully written story about the El Zahraa stud in Egypt by Caryn Rogosky.

There is also a Queensland studs and personalities feature. Harking Back QLD gives an historic insight into Arabians and their influence. Read how Real McCoy escaped the savage floods earlier this year!

Learn how to fit a show halter and brush up on points to improve your dressage plus how to train an Arabian racehorse. Sue Crockett writes about Pony Dressage, where many Arabian and Arabian derivative horses compete with distinction. QLD, NSW, WA feature in Out and About at the Shows.

Peter Hall writes a tribute to S K Shakla Khan, an Australian sire of significance. Popular historic author, Andrew K. Steen, narrates the fascinating story of Count Waclaw Rzewuski and the Sawran Stud in A Bygone Era.

Read about the exciting visit to Tersk Stud in Russia by several Aussies. Sharon Meyers tells a humourous story about one of her photo shoots in Behind Every Picture There’s A Story.

Endurance aficionados will love reading The Spirit of Endurance Riding written by Paula Boer.

Raja’s Kids Club, Victorian youth, The Muster, book reviews, promoting the Arabian, readers’ journeys with Arabians, horses in open company, Around the Campfire and Racetrack, NZ National Championships, Stud Tales and much more!
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Australian Arabian Horse News

September 2011 Volume 45 No. 3 The Australian Arabian Horse News is the magazine of choice for people passionate about the Arabian breed. The issue features Egyptian Arabian horse studs in Australia, a tribute to Simeon Stud’s magnificent stallion Imperial Madaar in Greener Pastures and a beautifully written story about the El Zahraa stud in Egypt by Caryn Rogosky. There is also a Queensland studs and personalities feature. Harking Back QLD gives an historic insight into Arabians and their influence. Read how Real McCoy escaped the savage floods earlier this year! Learn how to fit a show halter and brush up on points to improve your dressage plus how to train an Arabian racehorse. Sue Crockett writes about Pony Dressage, where many Arabian and Arabian derivative horses compete with distinction. QLD, NSW, WA feature in Out and About at the Shows. Peter Hall writes a tribute to S K Shakla Khan, an Australian sire of significance. Popular historic author, Andrew K. Steen, narrates the fascinating story of Count Waclaw Rzewuski and the Sawran Stud in A Bygone Era. Read about the exciting visit to Tersk Stud in Russia by several Aussies. Sharon Meyers tells a humourous story about one of her photo shoots in Behind Every Picture There’s A Story. Endurance aficionados will love reading The Spirit of Endurance Riding written by Paula Boer. Raja’s Kids Club, Victorian youth, The Muster, book reviews, promoting the Arabian, readers’ journeys with Arabians, horses in open company, Around the Campfire and Racetrack, NZ National Championships, Stud Tales and much more!

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Issue Cover

Australian Arabian Horse News  |  September 2011 Volume 45 No. 3  

The Australian Arabian Horse News is the magazine of choice for people passionate about the Arabian breed. The issue features Egyptian Arabian horse studs in Australia, a tribute to Simeon Stud’s magnificent stallion Imperial Madaar in Greener Pastures and a beautifully written story about the El Zahraa stud in Egypt by Caryn Rogosky.

There is also a Queensland studs and personalities feature. Harking Back QLD gives an historic insight into Arabians and their influence. Read how Real McCoy escaped the savage floods earlier this year!

Learn how to fit a show halter and brush up on points to improve your dressage plus how to train an Arabian racehorse. Sue Crockett writes about Pony Dressage, where many Arabian and Arabian derivative horses compete with distinction. QLD, NSW, WA feature in Out and About at the Shows.

Peter Hall writes a tribute to S K Shakla Khan, an Australian sire of significance. Popular historic author, Andrew K. Steen, narrates the fascinating story of Count Waclaw Rzewuski and the Sawran Stud in A Bygone Era.

Read about the exciting visit to Tersk Stud in Russia by several Aussies. Sharon Meyers tells a humourous story about one of her photo shoots in Behind Every Picture There’s A Story.

Endurance aficionados will love reading The Spirit of Endurance Riding written by Paula Boer.

Raja’s Kids Club, Victorian youth, The Muster, book reviews, promoting the Arabian, readers’ journeys with Arabians, horses in open company, Around the Campfire and Racetrack, NZ National Championships, Stud Tales and much more!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
The Australian Arabian Horse News (AHN) is a high quality, glossy magazine. It features over 96 pages of the latest industry news including Arabian show reports and photos from horse shows around Australia and New Zealand. Get to know more about well-known personalities involved with the Arabian horse industry as well as leading horse and stud profiles from around Australia. Catch up on endurance and racing news as well as planning for upcoming events.

Help improve your Arabian horse knowledge with historical features, international news, general knowledge stories and veterinary articles. Kids will love Raja’s Kids Club – every child that solves the horse puzzles wins a prize! AAHN has something for every member of your family. The magazine of choice for dedicated Arabian horse breeders and enthusiasts and a magazine for horse lovers with a passion for the most beautiful of horse breeds - the Arabian!

The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears - Arabian proverb

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Interesting for anyone not just in Australia Recensito 08 luglio 2019

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