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Australian Birdkeeper Magazine ABK-Reptile Publications Catalog Edizione posteriore

26 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Animals & Pets)
Only €0
FREE! Catalog featuring all our bird and reptile books plus DVDs. For bird lovers we have books on many species of parrot such as Budgerigars, conures, cockatoos, Eclectus, Cockatiels, Indian Ringnecks, African Greys, Rosellas, Neophema, macaws; species of finches such Gouldian, Zebra, grassfinches, waxbills and whydahs; softbills and canaries; pheasants, ducks and other waterfowl, pigeons, doves and quail... and more! Specialty titles include health and disease, incubation and handrearing birds.
For the pet parrot owner we have great parrot training DVDs and bird behaviour problem solving resources.
For reptile enthusiasts we have books on Australian lizards—skinks, geckos, dragons and monitors; pythons and snakes; turtles, frogs and invertebrates.
All publications are current and presented in a colourful, glossy format including numerous photographs. Proudly published by ABK Publications and Reptile Publications.
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Australian Birdkeeper Magazine Preview Pages Australian Birdkeeper Magazine Preview Pages Australian Birdkeeper Magazine Preview Pages Australian Birdkeeper Magazine Preview Pages Australian Birdkeeper Magazine Preview Pages Australian Birdkeeper Magazine Preview Pages Australian Birdkeeper Magazine Preview Pages Australian Birdkeeper Magazine Preview Pages

Australian Birdkeeper Magazine

ABK-Reptile Publications Catalog FREE! Catalog featuring all our bird and reptile books plus DVDs. For bird lovers we have books on many species of parrot such as Budgerigars, conures, cockatoos, Eclectus, Cockatiels, Indian Ringnecks, African Greys, Rosellas, Neophema, macaws; species of finches such Gouldian, Zebra, grassfinches, waxbills and whydahs; softbills and canaries; pheasants, ducks and other waterfowl, pigeons, doves and quail... and more! Specialty titles include health and disease, incubation and handrearing birds. For the pet parrot owner we have great parrot training DVDs and bird behaviour problem solving resources. For reptile enthusiasts we have books on Australian lizards—skinks, geckos, dragons and monitors; pythons and snakes; turtles, frogs and invertebrates. All publications are current and presented in a colourful, glossy format including numerous photographs. Proudly published by ABK Publications and Reptile Publications.

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Issue Cover

Australian Birdkeeper Magazine  |  ABK-Reptile Publications Catalog  

FREE! Catalog featuring all our bird and reptile books plus DVDs. For bird lovers we have books on many species of parrot such as Budgerigars, conures, cockatoos, Eclectus, Cockatiels, Indian Ringnecks, African Greys, Rosellas, Neophema, macaws; species of finches such Gouldian, Zebra, grassfinches, waxbills and whydahs; softbills and canaries; pheasants, ducks and other waterfowl, pigeons, doves and quail... and more! Specialty titles include health and disease, incubation and handrearing birds.
For the pet parrot owner we have great parrot training DVDs and bird behaviour problem solving resources.
For reptile enthusiasts we have books on Australian lizards—skinks, geckos, dragons and monitors; pythons and snakes; turtles, frogs and invertebrates.
All publications are current and presented in a colourful, glossy format including numerous photographs. Proudly published by ABK Publications and Reptile Publications.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Australian BirdKeeper has been regarded as the premier pet and aviary bird magazine worldwide since 1987.
• 65 glossy colour pages
• Pet and companion parrot keeping, bird behaviour
• Husbandry, housing, feeding, breeding and health in parrots, finches, softbills, pigeons, doves, quail and waterfowl
• Articles written by international bird breeders of parrots and finches
• Bird health by avian vets
• Bird conservation
• Available as single issue, 3-issue and 6-issue subscriptions and digital/print bundles.
• ABK and Reptile Publications also publish an extensive range of bird, reptile and amphibian books and DVDs featuring over 100 titles.
• Check out our range at or

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Basato su 26 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Great magazine

Not just for Australians, this will interest anyone from the bird keeping community Recensito 25 luglio 2019

Highly entertaining

Not just for those in Australia but elsewhere as well Recensito 27 giugno 2019

Ideal for Australian residents and those elsewhere

Many interesting features regarding bird keeping for those who have birds of those who hope you will in the future Recensito 30 gennaio 2018

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