Aviation Specials  |  Buses Yearbook 2022
Published annually for 60 years, this popular publication is a must for all bus enthusiasts. Edited by Alan Millar, former editor of Buses Magazine, the 132-page special is packed with features celebrating all that’s great about Britain’s best-loved mode of public transport.
Topics include electrification of London's buses, a nostalgic look at the yellow route buses in Malta and an atmospheric recollection of crossing the Donegal/Northern Ireland border at the height of the Troubles.
There are picture features about vehicle manufacturers’ publicity photographs, Blackpool in the early 2000s, West Yorkshire in the 1970s, Whippet Coaches in Cambridgeshire, buses at the extremities of the United Kingdom, coaches on the M1 50 years ago and more.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Aviation Specials Buses Yearbook 2022.