Aviation Specials  |  Warbirds
Have you ever wondered what it takes to keep a warbird flying, why people take on such projects, what it’s like to operate them, fly them, work on them, or even how their paint schemes are chosen?
In Warbirds, a special publication produced by the team behind FlyPast magazine, we delve into the world of vintage aviation and take you into the mindset and motives of those who do just that – both in the air and on the ground – with the aeroplanes showcased in these pages.
We look at how the indomitable Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Spitfire XVI has honoured a fallen pilot, how East Kirkby’s out-of-the-blue B-25 Mitchell return to flight project could help get Avro Lancaster Just Jane into the air, and we include a pilot’s account of test flying what he says is the best Messerschmitt Bf 109E.
We also profile the American aviator behind an exquisite Bristol Bulldog reproduction, and tell the story of New Zealand’s Goodyear FG-1D Corsair survivor. Also included in this showcase of warbirds from across the world, we find out how you recreate an Albatros D.V, often considered the ultimate Great War fighter, and we ponder if Mustang Jersey Jerk might just be the best-looking example of its kind in European skies, plus much more.
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