Aviation Specials  |  F-14 Bombcat
The post-Operation Desert Storm years were bleak ones for the US Navy’s fighter community. However, just when it looked like the F-14’s ocean-going days were numbered, a reprieve came.
Thanks to the aircraft’s awesome load-carrying capacity, legendary long range and the advent of a bolt-on targeting sensor pod for precision bombing, the Tomcat evolved into the ‘Bombcat’, and it went on to play a pivotal role in the US military’s ‘War on Terror’.
With first-hand accounts from the crews involved, as well as in-action photographs from both private and official sources. This 100-page special magazine from the team behind AirForces Monthly magazine covers the following F-14 milestones:
Development into a precision bomber
Combat debut over the Balkans during Operation Allied Force in September 1995
Precision strikes on Iraq during Operation Desert Fox in December 1998
Attacks on al-Qaeda and Taliban forces during Operation Enduring Freedom from 2001 to 2004
Attacks on Iraqi forces during Operation Iraq Freedom from 2003 to 2006
Final Tomcat combat cruise to Operation Iraqi Freedom, with an account of very last bomb-drop mission flown by the F-14 in US Navy service
And much more!
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