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British Period Homes Magazine Festive Finery Edizione posteriore

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Home Interest)
The countdown to Christmas has well and truly begun, so now is a good time to think about the key
items you’ll need to make your festive celebrations go without a hitch. If you are entertaining at home this year then the focus will no doubt be Christmas Day lunch, with the whole family squeezed
in around the dining table. Well, if you’re fed up of making do with a wobbly table and mismatched chairs, take a look at our Home essentials guide (page 71) to dining, we’ve got every style and design covered to ensure you never end up with the wonky stool again! It’s also worth stocking up on your cards and wrapping paper early, so have a look at our pick of the best in this month’s Shopping guide (pages 11 and 12). And of course, decorations are a must-have, but why not add
a personal touch this year with a selection of fabulously festive handmade craft ideas from Kirstie Allsopp’s new book Kirstie’s Christmas Crafts, in our Home craft feature (page 99). Just the thing to keep the kids busy in the lead up to the big day. If you are still in need of some seasonal inspiration, then our Real homes (from page 29) are packed full of stylish ideas to bring a bit of Yuletide magic into your own home. Go on, it’s time to get festive…
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British Period Homes

Festive Finery The countdown to Christmas has well and truly begun, so now is a good time to think about the key items you’ll need to make your festive celebrations go without a hitch. If you are entertaining at home this year then the focus will no doubt be Christmas Day lunch, with the whole family squeezed in around the dining table. Well, if you’re fed up of making do with a wobbly table and mismatched chairs, take a look at our Home essentials guide (page 71) to dining, we’ve got every style and design covered to ensure you never end up with the wonky stool again! It’s also worth stocking up on your cards and wrapping paper early, so have a look at our pick of the best in this month’s Shopping guide (pages 11 and 12). And of course, decorations are a must-have, but why not add a personal touch this year with a selection of fabulously festive handmade craft ideas from Kirstie Allsopp’s new book Kirstie’s Christmas Crafts, in our Home craft feature (page 99). Just the thing to keep the kids busy in the lead up to the big day. If you are still in need of some seasonal inspiration, then our Real homes (from page 29) are packed full of stylish ideas to bring a bit of Yuletide magic into your own home. Go on, it’s time to get festive…

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Issue Cover

British Period Homes  |  Festive Finery  

The countdown to Christmas has well and truly begun, so now is a good time to think about the key
items you’ll need to make your festive celebrations go without a hitch. If you are entertaining at home this year then the focus will no doubt be Christmas Day lunch, with the whole family squeezed
in around the dining table. Well, if you’re fed up of making do with a wobbly table and mismatched chairs, take a look at our Home essentials guide (page 71) to dining, we’ve got every style and design covered to ensure you never end up with the wonky stool again! It’s also worth stocking up on your cards and wrapping paper early, so have a look at our pick of the best in this month’s Shopping guide (pages 11 and 12). And of course, decorations are a must-have, but why not add
a personal touch this year with a selection of fabulously festive handmade craft ideas from Kirstie Allsopp’s new book Kirstie’s Christmas Crafts, in our Home craft feature (page 99). Just the thing to keep the kids busy in the lead up to the big day. If you are still in need of some seasonal inspiration, then our Real homes (from page 29) are packed full of stylish ideas to bring a bit of Yuletide magic into your own home. Go on, it’s time to get festive…
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Period Homes & Interiors is a well-respected, high-quality monthly magazine with in-depth features and beautiful photography. Every issue features stunning real homes with inspiring stories; enchanting real gardens full of practical tips and ideas; beautiful and current period-style room schemes, combining practical decorating advice with the latest trends; gorgeous shopping pages filled with relevant antique and vintage-inspired products; historic arts, crafts, antiques and collectables; plus expert property, renovation and legal advice.
Owners of traditional homes look to Period Homes & Interiors magazine for inspiring ideas and information to help them maintain the original character and charm of their property and enjoy their period home inside and out.

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