Cage & Aviary Birds  |  No.5784 A Year in Budgies
SO HOW WAS it for you? 2013, that is. Astonishingly, another year is drawing to a close. Still, let’s be honest: in birdkeeping, the end of a calendar year doesn’t mean much, unless you’re affected by ring-issue dates. In the birdroom, the cycle goes on. There may be a pause in activities while we’re occupied with family matters, but most birdkeepers find the chance between “duties” to slope off and put in some quality time in the shed, as it might be. I hope you have plenty of quality time over the next two weeks. Do bear in mind that, as usual, there won’t be a
separate issue of Cage & Aviary Birds between Christmas and New Year: your next issue of the paper will be out on January 8, 2014. It’ll be here soon enough! ■ A special “well done” this year to the Yorkshire Canary
Club (YCC) for so actively promoting the Yorkie fancy to beginners. On
page 12, Brian Keenan appraises the YCC’s efforts, but I’d like to draw your attention to one of their initiatives: the fact that, almost alone among the specialist fancies, they have published new books on their subject. So many birdkeeping titles are out of print (if not out of date), but
now the YCC offers no fewer than three. Its latest is the Breeders Guide, which includes more than 200 practical breeding tips and contacts – vital
reading for early-stagers. It’s available for £20 plus p&p, but you can also buy it with its companion title The Definitive Guide to Yorkshire Canaries for just £30 plus p&p: a saving of £12.50. Does that sound good? Check the YCC website for full details. ■ Right – it just remains for all of us on the Cage & Aviary Birds team to thank all our readers,
contributors, advertisers and other friends for your support, and wish you
all a happy Christmas. See you in 2014!
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