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Aviation & Transport

Classic Aircraft Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
*** (Important notice: December 2012) This title is no longer published, no further issues will be released. Back issues can still be purchased. From January 2013 Classic Aircraft will be incorporated into Aviation News***

Classic Aircraft places its focus on the jet and propeller-driven types of the post-war years, covering the developments in military aviation and fascinating operations during the Cold War period, and the huge changes that swept through the airline world as mass air travel became a reality.

But there's much more to the history in Classic Aircraft than that. We cover the heroes of World War Two, the inter-war period, World War One and the pioneer aviators; we also look at more recent aviation happenings with a unique historical slant, and report on the vibrant aircraft preservation scene. Whatever the subject, stunning archive imagery accompanies informed, in-depth, intelligent articles from authors passionate about aviation, including ‘behind the scenes’ first-hand accounts and revealing 'from the cockpit' stories. Every issue is also packed with the latest aircraft preservation news, event reports, opinionated columns and product reviews, while special free supplements throughout the year are not to be missed.

For more information, visit

Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2012. All rights reserved.
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Classic Aircraft

December 2012 The last issue of Classic Aircraft celebrates 20 years since the RAF retired the Phantom, with features on the F-4J(UK) and the last year of Phantom FGR2 operations by Nos 56 and 74 Squadrons. We also look at the Convair XFV-1 and Lockheed XFY-1 VTOL projects of the 1950s, with exclusive insights from one of the ‘Pogo’s’ pilots; the ‘Gone but not forgotten’ airline subject is European Aviation Air Charter, our series on RAF squadrons celebrating centenaries in 2012 concludes with No IV(AC) Squadron, there’s a celebration of the versatile Vickers Varsity, recollections of French Jaguar operations the world over, and much more.

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3,49 / issue
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Issue Cover

Classic Aircraft  |  December 2012  

The last issue of Classic Aircraft celebrates 20 years since the RAF retired the Phantom, with features on the F-4J(UK) and the last year of Phantom FGR2 operations by Nos 56 and 74 Squadrons. We also look at the Convair XFV-1 and Lockheed XFY-1 VTOL projects of the 1950s, with exclusive insights from one of the ‘Pogo’s’ pilots; the ‘Gone but not forgotten’ airline subject is European Aviation Air Charter, our series on RAF squadrons celebrating centenaries in 2012 concludes with No IV(AC) Squadron, there’s a celebration of the versatile Vickers Varsity, recollections of French Jaguar operations the world over, and much more.
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*** (Important notice: December 2012) This title is no longer published, no further issues will be released. Back issues can still be purchased. From January 2013 Classic Aircraft will be incorporated into Aviation News***

Classic Aircraft places its focus on the jet and propeller-driven types of the post-war years, covering the developments in military aviation and fascinating operations during the Cold War period, and the huge changes that swept through the airline world as mass air travel became a reality.

But there's much more to the history in Classic Aircraft than that. We cover the heroes of World War Two, the inter-war period, World War One and the pioneer aviators; we also look at more recent aviation happenings with a unique historical slant, and report on the vibrant aircraft preservation scene. Whatever the subject, stunning archive imagery accompanies informed, in-depth, intelligent articles from authors passionate about aviation, including ‘behind the scenes’ first-hand accounts and revealing 'from the cockpit' stories. Every issue is also packed with the latest aircraft preservation news, event reports, opinionated columns and product reviews, while special free supplements throughout the year are not to be missed.

For more information, visit

Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2012. All rights reserved.

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Basato su 0 Recensioni dei clienti
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Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Classic Aircraft December 2012.

Classic Aircraft November 2012 November 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft October 2012 October 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft September 2012 September 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft August 2012 August 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft July 2012 July 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft June 2012 June 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft May 2012 May 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft April 2012 April 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft March 2012 March 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft February 2012 February 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft January 2012 January 2012 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Aircraft December 2011 December 2011 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
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