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Cruise & Ferry Magazine Autumn/Winter 2021 Edizione posteriore

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Travel)
Only €15,99
The Autumn/Winter 2021 issue of Cruise & Ferry Review opens with a keynote from Royal Caribbean Group’s chairman and CEO Richard Fain and a cover story about MSC Cruises.

Other highlights exclusive interviews with cruise executives including Ambassador Cruise Line’s Christian Verhounig, Azamara’s Carol Cabezas, Explora Journeys’ Michael Ungerer, Virgin Voyages’ Tom McAlpin, Cruise Lines International Association’s Kelly Craighead and others. Published in association with Interferry, our Ferry Business section includes interviews with executives from Brittany Ferries, Interislander, Trasmapi, Owen Sound Transportation Company and Inmarsat.

Features, viewpoints and reports explore sustainability, newbuild orders, refit projects, safety at sea, hotel operations, what makes cruise ports appealing to guests, and much more.
Cruise & Ferry Preview PagesCruise & Ferry Preview Pages

Cruise & Ferry

Autumn/Winter 2021 The Autumn/Winter 2021 issue of Cruise & Ferry Review opens with a keynote from Royal Caribbean Group’s chairman and CEO Richard Fain and a cover story about MSC Cruises. Other highlights exclusive interviews with cruise executives including Ambassador Cruise Line’s Christian Verhounig, Azamara’s Carol Cabezas, Explora Journeys’ Michael Ungerer, Virgin Voyages’ Tom McAlpin, Cruise Lines International Association’s Kelly Craighead and others. Published in association with Interferry, our Ferry Business section includes interviews with executives from Brittany Ferries, Interislander, Trasmapi, Owen Sound Transportation Company and Inmarsat. Features, viewpoints and reports explore sustainability, newbuild orders, refit projects, safety at sea, hotel operations, what makes cruise ports appealing to guests, and much more.

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