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Cruise & Ferry Magazine Itinerary Planning 2018 Edizione speciale

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Travel)
Only €1,19
The 2018 Itinerary Planning Special Report opens with an insightful cover story with Carnival Corporation’s Giora Israel, where he uncovers the mystery behind creating the perfect cruise itineraries. Meanwhile, our roundtable asks four cruise executives about their favourite destinations and itineraries.

Crystal Cruises’ Anita Hodson also explains why diversity is important in itineraries, Holland America’s Simon Douwes discusses how to balance port visits and sea days, and Costa Cruises’ Federico Bartoli shares the criteria ports must fulfil.

Elsewhere, we report on the key industry challenges and opportunities that were discussed at events hosted by Norway's ports, MedCruise and Cruise Europe. Plus, we have a feature where tourist boards and tour operators outline how their destinations deliver memorable cruise guest experiences, and another showcasing some of the best port service initiatives.
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Cruise & Ferry

Itinerary Planning 2018 The 2018 Itinerary Planning Special Report opens with an insightful cover story with Carnival Corporation’s Giora Israel, where he uncovers the mystery behind creating the perfect cruise itineraries. Meanwhile, our roundtable asks four cruise executives about their favourite destinations and itineraries. Crystal Cruises’ Anita Hodson also explains why diversity is important in itineraries, Holland America’s Simon Douwes discusses how to balance port visits and sea days, and Costa Cruises’ Federico Bartoli shares the criteria ports must fulfil. Elsewhere, we report on the key industry challenges and opportunities that were discussed at events hosted by Norway's ports, MedCruise and Cruise Europe. Plus, we have a feature where tourist boards and tour operators outline how their destinations deliver memorable cruise guest experiences, and another showcasing some of the best port service initiatives.

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