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Cruise & Ferry Magazine Itinerary Planning Edizione speciale

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Travel)
Only €1,19
Published alongside the Autumn/Winter 2015 issue of International Cruise & Ferry Review, this year’s Itinerary Planning Special Report explores how cruise line executives, destination experts, deployment specialists and port authorities work together to create compelling itineraries and unique shore excursions.

In our lead roundtable article, we discover some of the areas small-ship and expedition ship operators are targeting and the types of shore excursions they are organising to give their guests the chance to explore local cultures, cuisines and ecology in an authentic manner. Plus, don’t miss interviews with Carnival Cruise Lines’ Terry Thornton, Sandy Olsen at Carnival Australia, Tauck River Cruises’ Jennifer Tombaugh, Tine Oelmann at TUI Cruises and Windstar Cruises’ Sander Groothius.
Cruise & Ferry Preview PagesCruise & Ferry Preview Pages

Cruise & Ferry

Itinerary Planning Published alongside the Autumn/Winter 2015 issue of International Cruise & Ferry Review, this year’s Itinerary Planning Special Report explores how cruise line executives, destination experts, deployment specialists and port authorities work together to create compelling itineraries and unique shore excursions. In our lead roundtable article, we discover some of the areas small-ship and expedition ship operators are targeting and the types of shore excursions they are organising to give their guests the chance to explore local cultures, cuisines and ecology in an authentic manner. Plus, don’t miss interviews with Carnival Cruise Lines’ Terry Thornton, Sandy Olsen at Carnival Australia, Tauck River Cruises’ Jennifer Tombaugh, Tine Oelmann at TUI Cruises and Windstar Cruises’ Sander Groothius.

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