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Italia! Magazine Jan 2012 Edizione posteriore

81 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Travel)
Only €6,99
Don't miss the Christmas issue of Italia! magazine, packed with everything you need for a perfect Italian-style Christmas, from the secrets of panettone and a bumper gift guide to the best festive Italian wines, liqueurs and sweets to stock up on. And there's plenty of travel inspiration too, with glam ski breaks, chic wine retreats and Sicilian sun to see you through the cold winter months.
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Jan 2012 Don't miss the Christmas issue of Italia! magazine, packed with everything you need for a perfect Italian-style Christmas, from the secrets of panettone and a bumper gift guide to the best festive Italian wines, liqueurs and sweets to stock up on. And there's plenty of travel inspiration too, with glam ski breaks, chic wine retreats and Sicilian sun to see you through the cold winter months.

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Italia! magazine is a celebration of all things Italy. An award-winning magazine for everyone who has a passion for il bel paese, sharing your love of Italy and all that this wonderful country has to offer: its landscapes, the diversity of regional cuisine, and the splendour of its architecture.

It's your trusted guide to experiencing the very essence of Italian culture, from the warmth of its people to the irresistible allure of its food and wine. Italia! takes you on an unforgettable journey, whether you're treading the well-worn paths of famous destinations or venturing off the beaten track to uncover hidden gems - your Italia! digital magazine subscription invites you to explore the country's pristine lakes, majestic mountains, rolling hills, picturesque villages, storied cities, sun-kissed beaches, and awe-inspiring architecture. With every issue, you'll discover a wealth of inspiration, meticulously crafted itineraries, and expert advice that empowers you to make the most of every visit, ensuring your experiences in Italy are nothing short of extraordinary.

But Italia! is not just a magazine; it's a heartfelt connection to Italy, regardless of where you reside in the world. If your passion for Italy extends to its cuisine, its wines, its language, its fashion, its people, its history, or its culture, an Italia! digital magazine subscription will transport you to the heart of this beloved country, bridging the geographical gap between you and the land you hold dear. It's your window into the very soul of Italy, a constant source of inspiration that kindles your love for all things Italian, providing a sense of belonging and connection that transcends borders and time zones.

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