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Jaguar World Magazine S-Type Ultimate Guide Nov 2009 Edizione posteriore

84 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €5,99
Jaguar Land Rover to Axe UK Plant’, ‘Jaguar to
wind down plant’ and ‘Jaguar Land Rover to
close factory’ – those were just three of the
many similar headlines that followed JLR’s
announcement of its new business plan on 24
September. Read in isolation, you’d have
thought that the end was nigh for the two
brands, but the other side of the story is very
diff erent indeed.
Yes, Jaguar Land Rover (and particularly Land
Rover) has seen sales suff er in the last 12 months,
as have all manufacturers of luxury cars, and the
majority of car manufacturers full stop come to
that. Yes, JLR has admitted that the result of the
economic slowdown has exposed “fundamental
weaknesses in the structure of the business” and,
yes, it will close one of its West Midlands plants by
the middle of the next decade. But the essential part
of the story behind the new business plan is one of
expansion, not contraction.
While Jaguar’s Castle Bromwich or Land Rover’s
Solihull plant will close (and the process of deciding
which has yet to begin), the reason is that either
one of those plants – in conjunction
with Halewood, of course – is
said to be capable of handling
both marques’ production
lines. Clearly, if one West
Midlands plant can do
the job of two, it makes
little sense to keep both
open especially if, as JLR
has stated, there will be no
compulsory redundancies.
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Jaguar World

S-Type Ultimate Guide Nov 2009 Jaguar Land Rover to Axe UK Plant’, ‘Jaguar to wind down plant’ and ‘Jaguar Land Rover to close factory’ – those were just three of the many similar headlines that followed JLR’s announcement of its new business plan on 24 September. Read in isolation, you’d have thought that the end was nigh for the two brands, but the other side of the story is very diff erent indeed. Yes, Jaguar Land Rover (and particularly Land Rover) has seen sales suff er in the last 12 months, as have all manufacturers of luxury cars, and the majority of car manufacturers full stop come to that. Yes, JLR has admitted that the result of the economic slowdown has exposed “fundamental weaknesses in the structure of the business” and, yes, it will close one of its West Midlands plants by the middle of the next decade. But the essential part of the story behind the new business plan is one of expansion, not contraction. While Jaguar’s Castle Bromwich or Land Rover’s Solihull plant will close (and the process of deciding which has yet to begin), the reason is that either one of those plants – in conjunction with Halewood, of course – is said to be capable of handling both marques’ production lines. Clearly, if one West Midlands plant can do the job of two, it makes little sense to keep both open especially if, as JLR has stated, there will be no compulsory redundancies.

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Issue Cover

Jaguar World  |  S-Type Ultimate Guide Nov 2009  

Jaguar Land Rover to Axe UK Plant’, ‘Jaguar to
wind down plant’ and ‘Jaguar Land Rover to
close factory’ – those were just three of the
many similar headlines that followed JLR’s
announcement of its new business plan on 24
September. Read in isolation, you’d have
thought that the end was nigh for the two
brands, but the other side of the story is very
diff erent indeed.
Yes, Jaguar Land Rover (and particularly Land
Rover) has seen sales suff er in the last 12 months,
as have all manufacturers of luxury cars, and the
majority of car manufacturers full stop come to
that. Yes, JLR has admitted that the result of the
economic slowdown has exposed “fundamental
weaknesses in the structure of the business” and,
yes, it will close one of its West Midlands plants by
the middle of the next decade. But the essential part
of the story behind the new business plan is one of
expansion, not contraction.
While Jaguar’s Castle Bromwich or Land Rover’s
Solihull plant will close (and the process of deciding
which has yet to begin), the reason is that either
one of those plants – in conjunction
with Halewood, of course – is
said to be capable of handling
both marques’ production
lines. Clearly, if one West
Midlands plant can do
the job of two, it makes
little sense to keep both
open especially if, as JLR
has stated, there will be no
compulsory redundancies.
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Jaguar World magazine is an amazing read, it brings together owners of all types of Jaguars, from the classics such as XKs and E-types through to the dynamic range of modern saloons and sports cars. If you like Jaguars then this is the magazine for you.

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First Class Jag Mag

First Class Jag Mag Recensito 21 agosto 2022

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Awesome magazine! The reason I ordinally found pocketmags, and the reason I'm still here. Recensito 02 novembre 2020

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Excellent, very excellent Recensito 13 aprile 2020

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I always enjoy each issue of Jaguar World. Its the only mag that subscribe to. Keep up the great work! Recensito 20 febbraio 2020


Hi I have just purchased a 2002 xjr 100 .great car .just have to sort out how everything works on it lol . original black with black leather seats with Montreal wheels ,looks great and runs the same.i would like any information from other owners ,thank you ,Ray. Recensito 03 maggio 2015

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