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Hobbies & Crafts

Model Aircraft Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
97 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Scale Modelling)
**Due to publishing challenges Model Aircraft subscriptions are currently being fulfilled with content from MA Publications Bookstore**

Model Aircraft Magazine is first and foremost a modellers magazine, mixing kit builds and conversions with historical and reference pieces, but with the focus always on information and images that will be of use to those building in scale.
Regular authors include military historian Anthony Tucker-Jones, Jack Herris, whose WWI articles couple in-depth research with a seemingly inexhaustible archive of historical photographs, aviation photo journalist Steve Palmer, and Robin Polderman, whose position on a Dutch F-16 squadron allow him global opportunities to exercise his considerable skills as a photographer.
Modelling features have a wide pool of talent to draw on, accumulated over sixteen years with Scale Aviation Modeller International, and as Editor of both titles Gary Hatcher is able to collate and direct material as appropriate, and see that it is showcased in the best possible way. One regular article features the work of Trevor Pask, author of the best of the recent titles on building Airfix kits, and a modeller whose enthusiasm and commitment to each project he undertakes might be said to personify the hobby as many of us regard it. Anything goes on Trevor’s workbench, and unlike so many of us, he always finds a way to finish a kit.
New kit and accessories play a part in Model Aircraft as a brief presentation of new releases each month, leaving the wider sourcing of news and product coverage to sister magazine Scale Aviation Modeller International, and by this means we avoid repetition between the titles. SAMI remains the foremost magazine for those modellers who enjoy kits and modelling first, but have an interest in real aircraft. Model Aircraft is aimed instead at those real aircraft enthusiasts who also have a passion for modelling.
Model Aircraft is designed to offer a unique and essential read to the enthusiast
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Model Aircraft

MDFSD-08 Dassault Mirage Dassault Mirage 2000B/C/D/N and International Versions MDF Scaled Down #8 By Andy Evans The delta wing Dassault Mirage 2000 is a French multirole, single engine, fourth-generation aircraft, designed in the late 1970s as a lightweight fighter based on the iconic Mirage III for the French Air Force. Since then the Mirage 2000 evolved into a true multirole platform with several variants being developed, and the type has been sold to a number of air forces around the globe. The variants include the Mirage 2000C fighter and Mirage 2000D and Mirage 2000N strike variants, and the improved Mirage 2000-5, and the proposed 2000-9. Over 600 aircraft have been built, and it has been in service with nine nations. The Mirage 2000 has proven a capable performer under extreme combat conditions and has seen action across Europe, the Middle East and in North Africa as a part of the NATO contingent enforcing the ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya. Despite the aircraft currently being replaced by the much more advanced Dassault Rafale, the Dassault Mirage 2000 still plays a role in operations of the French Air Force today, and remains a potent platform with other user nations. Mirage 2000 fighters in currently operation with the French Air Force are the Mirage 2000C/B single seater and twoset variants, the Mirage 2000N and the upgraded Mirage 2000NK3, designed for all weather nuclear penetration at low altitude and very high speed. Also in service with the French Air Force is the Mirage 2000D, an upgraded version of the Mirage 2000N, using conventional and laser guided munitions, and the Mirage 2000-5, incorporating advanced avionics, new sensors and control systems.

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Issue Cover

Model Aircraft  |  MDFSD-08 Dassault Mirage  

Dassault Mirage
2000B/C/D/N and International Versions

MDF Scaled Down #8
By Andy Evans

The delta wing Dassault Mirage 2000 is a French multirole, single engine, fourth-generation aircraft, designed in the late 1970s as a lightweight fighter based on the iconic Mirage III for the French Air Force. Since then the Mirage 2000 evolved into a true multirole platform with several variants being developed, and the type has been sold to a number of air forces around the globe. The variants include the Mirage 2000C fighter and Mirage 2000D and Mirage 2000N strike variants, and the improved Mirage 2000-5, and the proposed 2000-9. Over 600 aircraft have been built, and it has been in service with nine nations. The Mirage 2000 has proven a capable performer under extreme combat conditions and has seen action across Europe, the Middle East and in North Africa as a part of the NATO contingent enforcing the ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya. Despite the aircraft currently being replaced by the much more advanced Dassault Rafale, the Dassault Mirage 2000 still plays a role in operations of the French Air Force today, and remains a potent platform with other user nations. Mirage 2000 fighters in currently operation with the French Air Force are the Mirage 2000C/B single seater and twoset variants, the Mirage 2000N and the upgraded Mirage 2000NK3, designed for all weather nuclear penetration at low altitude and very high speed. Also in service with the French Air Force is the Mirage 2000D, an upgraded version of the Mirage 2000N, using conventional and laser guided munitions, and the Mirage 2000-5, incorporating advanced avionics, new sensors and control systems.
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**Due to publishing challenges Model Aircraft subscriptions are currently being fulfilled with content from MA Publications Bookstore**

Model Aircraft Magazine is first and foremost a modellers magazine, mixing kit builds and conversions with historical and reference pieces, but with the focus always on information and images that will be of use to those building in scale.
Regular authors include military historian Anthony Tucker-Jones, Jack Herris, whose WWI articles couple in-depth research with a seemingly inexhaustible archive of historical photographs, aviation photo journalist Steve Palmer, and Robin Polderman, whose position on a Dutch F-16 squadron allow him global opportunities to exercise his considerable skills as a photographer.
Modelling features have a wide pool of talent to draw on, accumulated over sixteen years with Scale Aviation Modeller International, and as Editor of both titles Gary Hatcher is able to collate and direct material as appropriate, and see that it is showcased in the best possible way. One regular article features the work of Trevor Pask, author of the best of the recent titles on building Airfix kits, and a modeller whose enthusiasm and commitment to each project he undertakes might be said to personify the hobby as many of us regard it. Anything goes on Trevor’s workbench, and unlike so many of us, he always finds a way to finish a kit.
New kit and accessories play a part in Model Aircraft as a brief presentation of new releases each month, leaving the wider sourcing of news and product coverage to sister magazine Scale Aviation Modeller International, and by this means we avoid repetition between the titles. SAMI remains the foremost magazine for those modellers who enjoy kits and modelling first, but have an interest in real aircraft. Model Aircraft is aimed instead at those real aircraft enthusiasts who also have a passion for modelling.
Model Aircraft is designed to offer a unique and essential read to the enthusiast

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Basato su 97 Recensioni dei clienti
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Model Aircraft

I love the colour profiles and scale drawings Recensito 31 maggio 2020

Model Aircraft

Really enjoy this magazine, often using tips from the articles. Recensito 27 febbraio 2020

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