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Modellers Reference Library Magazine Tamiya 1:32 P-51 Mustang HTB Edizione posteriore

39 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Collecting)
“The complete guide to bulding Tamiya’s amazing 1:32 P-51D written by Brett Green of Hyperscale and Model Military fame.

This new book features an exhaustive step-by-step guide to construction plus models, by Brett, Mark Glidden and Roy Sutherland.

Hundreds of images, reference photos and how to get the very best from your model – a must have before you build the model! Also features lists of after market parts and decals already available for Tamiya’s Mustang…
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Modellers Reference Library

Tamiya 1:32 P-51 Mustang HTB “The complete guide to bulding Tamiya’s amazing 1:32 P-51D written by Brett Green of Hyperscale and Model Military fame. This new book features an exhaustive step-by-step guide to construction plus models, by Brett, Mark Glidden and Roy Sutherland. Hundreds of images, reference photos and how to get the very best from your model – a must have before you build the model! Also features lists of after market parts and decals already available for Tamiya’s Mustang…

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Issue Cover

Modellers Reference Library  |  Tamiya 1:32 P-51 Mustang HTB  

“The complete guide to bulding Tamiya’s amazing 1:32 P-51D written by Brett Green of Hyperscale and Model Military fame.

This new book features an exhaustive step-by-step guide to construction plus models, by Brett, Mark Glidden and Roy Sutherland.

Hundreds of images, reference photos and how to get the very best from your model – a must have before you build the model! Also features lists of after market parts and decals already available for Tamiya’s Mustang…
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Whether you are building the Latest Tamiya Model Tank - Plane or simply starting in Radio Controlled Cars ADH Books proudly presents the ultimate reference library & how to build catalogue for Modellers of all types and ages.

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Our reference library is ever expanding week by week so this library is only set to grow exponentially. Ensuring you have the latest books ready to buy at the touch of a button.

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Basato su 39 Recensioni dei clienti
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Classic information

Always full of good points Recensito 26 luglio 2019

Full of new ideas

Never disappoints Recensito 23 luglio 2019

Very good Modellers Reference

Very good Modellers Reference for all models, especially aircraft., Recensito 07 luglio 2019

Highly specialised

Great for budding modellers Recensito 30 gennaio 2018

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