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Natural Health Magazine Mar 2019 Edizione posteriore

29 Recensioni   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Slimming)
Love your body at any age! Ayurvedic secrets to look younger at 40, 50, 60+. Plus, could this therapy improve your memory? Find your inner calm with the #1 stress-busting meditation. The meds that sap your energy, How crystal healing could support your menopause, beat IBS in 5 steps, the best holistic getaways and how moai mates could help you live longer!
Natural Health Preview PagesNatural Health Preview Pages

Natural Health

Mar 2019 Love your body at any age! Ayurvedic secrets to look younger at 40, 50, 60+. Plus, could this therapy improve your memory? Find your inner calm with the #1 stress-busting meditation. The meds that sap your energy, How crystal healing could support your menopause, beat IBS in 5 steps, the best holistic getaways and how moai mates could help you live longer!

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Since it was first published, Natural Health magazine has been the one-stop-shop for all things holistic. It is the perfect companion for those looking to improve their health and wellbeing - get all the necessary advice and guidance to help you on your way! Some of the most dedicated and knowledgeable health experts are featured each month giving new tips for you to follow. Every issue provides not only advice and guidance, but also recipes, natural remedies and a Q & A section for curious readers to send in anything they would like answered. Become part of the community today and choose a Natural Health magazine subscription.

Natural Health magazine shares with you the many secrets of looking and feeling your best so you can reach your goal. Whether you’re looking to make small changes or a whole lifestyle change, Natural Health magazine is the perfect monthly guide to help you through.

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