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Health & Fitness

On the Couch Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
Discover psychology, criminology, society and you. 

All our 100-page issues are completely advert free and packed full of in-depth features focusing on psychology, criminology, society and you. Mix this with a dash of light-hearted stories and activities, and you have what we feel is the perfect magazine.

All our features are written by professionals and experts who are fully qualified and/or experienced to write about their chosen subject area.
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On the Couch

On The Couch Issue 10 Inside this issue we find out if popularity at work is essential for a successful career, explore how we react when our expectations do not match reality and explain the signs of burnout and how different personalities types respond. We also look at how we can argue constructively, discuss the concept of sharenting and ask do we grow out of specific emotional needs in adulthood or do we learn to supress them. Contents include: Working to be popular Mind the gap Arguing constructively Fighting burnout Growing expectations Let’s talk about sharenting! Coping through makeup Cracking Christmas The sociology of Christmas The psychology of Christmas Merry Crime-mas! Nature Cure

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Issue Cover

On the Couch  |  On The Couch Issue 10  

Inside this issue we find out if popularity at work is essential for a successful career, explore how we react when our expectations do not match reality and explain the signs of burnout and how different personalities types respond. We also look at how we can argue constructively, discuss the concept of sharenting and ask do we grow out of specific emotional needs in adulthood or do we learn to supress them.

Contents include:
Working to be popular
Mind the gap
Arguing constructively
Fighting burnout
Growing expectations
Let’s talk about sharenting!
Coping through makeup
Cracking Christmas
The sociology of Christmas
The psychology of Christmas
Merry Crime-mas!
Nature Cure
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Discover psychology, criminology, society and you. 

All our 100-page issues are completely advert free and packed full of in-depth features focusing on psychology, criminology, society and you. Mix this with a dash of light-hearted stories and activities, and you have what we feel is the perfect magazine.

All our features are written by professionals and experts who are fully qualified and/or experienced to write about their chosen subject area.

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Loving it!

Insightful articles that don't talk down to the reader!! Congratulations. Can't wait for the next edition! Recensito 16 giugno 2021

Truly refreshing

A truly refreshing title that’s absolutely jam packed cover to cover with inspirational, educational and interesting content. Criminologists, forensic psychologists, barristers and more make up the writing team of qualified academics and professionals but remains both easy and interesting to read. Not one advert in sight! Great work. Recensito 11 giugno 2021

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