Organists' Review  |  August 2010
August celebrates the bi-centenary of Samuel Sebastian Wesley's birth. We therefore commissioned the recognised authority on S.S. Wesley, Dr Peter Horton, to write about his organ music. This was followed by a request to Dr Ian Bradley, renowned hymnologist, to write something about S.S. Wesley's lesser-known connection to the church; the Wesley saga was unfolded by Martin V. Clarke placing S.S. Wesley into familial context. Keeping with the theme, Dr Helen Smith interviewed Adrian Partington about his work at Gloucester, a post S.S. Wesley once held. Coincidentally, the centre-page-spread featuring the organ in the Music Room at Brighton, also has an S.S. Wesley connection: aged 11, he was one of the 'Children of the Chapel Royal' who sang at its original consecration in the Royal Chapel, Brighton, in 1822.
In his Soundboard column, John Norman looks at the design of pistons and Paul Hale investigates the new Kenneth Tickell installation in Lincoln's Inn Chapel, London.
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