Radio User  |  FREE Sample Issue
Hello and welcome to your free digital sampler for RadioUser magazine. I am really glad you found your way here. Inside this sample issue, you are going to find a cross-selection of previews, articles and resources on all things radio that you would typically see in the full magazine.
RadioUser offers you expert coverage each month on all things radio, with the exception of amateur (Ham) radio. We cover broadcasting on all bands, radio communications in the air, at sea, during search and rescue operations, scanning, CB radio and all ‘utility’ signals you can receive – those that are not coming from a broadcast radio station.
What you see in the following is an exciting taster of a full issue. You can buy the full issues in shops or subscribe to either a paper or our digital version.
I hope you will enjoy the sample of articles over the next few pages and that I may soon welcome you to the full RadioUser magazine.
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Come abbonati riceverete i seguenti vantaggi:
• Uno sconto sul prezzo di vendita della rivista
• La vostra rivista viene consegnata ogni mese sul vostro dispositivo
• Non perderete mai un numero
• Siete protetti dagli aumenti di prezzo che potrebbero verificarsi nel corso dell'anno
Riceverete 12 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Radio User abbonamento alla rivista.
Nota: le edizioni digitali non includono gli articoli di copertina o i supplementi che si trovano nelle copie stampate.
Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Radio User FREE Sample Issue.