Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A)  |  SAMI Vol 21 Iss 7 July 2015
Grumman F-14 Tomcat
by Andy Evans
Modellers Portfolio
Grumman F-14 Tomcat
Artwork and scale drawings by Andy Evans
1/72 Feature
• Heller FI 103 “Reichenberg IV”,
• Heller Bachem BA 349 Natter (Viper)
• Brengun Zeppelin Rammer
by Adam Rehorn
1/72 Feature
Airfix Vickers Valiant extended by Greg Phillips
1/48 Feature
Folland Gnat T.1
Airfix 1/48 scale Gnat by Rick Greenwood
1/32 Feature
F4F Phantom
Revell's McDonnell Douglas F4F Phantom WTD 61 Flight Test by Gordon Scott
Clark's Field
T-38 Talon ‘NASA’
Wolfpack 1/48 T-38 by Dick Clark
Paint it with Testors
Black Widow Fighter
HobbyBoss 1/48 Northrop P-61 Black Widow by Peter Marshall
Classic Plastic
Edited by Paul Bradley
• Matchbox 1/72 Mirage IIIB-2 (RV) by Adam Rehorn
• Matchbox 1/72 Mirage IIIBS by Paul Bradley
Quick Build
AH-1Z ‘Viper’
Kitty Hawk 1/48 by Garry F. Prettyman
Beech C-45F/UC-45F
ICM 1/48 by Andy White
Saab JAS-39C Gripen
Revell 1/72 by Colin Pickett
F-102A (Case X Wing) George Walker Bush
Meng-Model 1/72 by Andy McCabe
Blohm & Voss P.178 Dive Bomber
Bronco Models 1/72 by Andy Brook
C-54 Skymaster Test Shot
Revell 1/72 by Alec Smith
Show Report
Milton Keynes
580 Modellers at ModelKraft, Milton Keynes by Geoff Cooper-Smith
• News
• Czech Out
• Preview kits from Creative Models
• First look: Tamiya 1/32 Mosquito, Honk Kong Models 1/32 Mosquito B Mk.IV and Kitty Hawk 1/48 UH-1Y Venom
• Accessories
• Decals
• Books
• Back Page
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) SAMI Vol 21 Iss 7 July 2015.