Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. It’s Renaissance Europe.
You’re playing as a merchant, and there’s quite a bit of beige on the board. There are resources to collect such as wool, stone, and iron. And you can use them to get victory points in a variety of ways. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the latest in dicey, tiley, action selection euro games. But is Tiletum worth your tile-time?
A game of Tiletum plays over four rounds during which each player selects and uses three dice, each gaining them both resources and actions. In addition, there are a number of tasks players can do at any time during a turn. Each round ends with a fair, where players who have a presence in the city holding it can score bonus points. But while the game mechanics are pretty standard for any euro gamer, what makes the game delicious is the puzzle of putting together a successful round.
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