The Artist  |  December 2013
Welcome to our December issue in which we introduce hyperrealist artist Cynthia Poole, who explains the ideas and techniques behind her extraordinary contemporary still-life paintings. Watercolourists will be inspired by the practical features from Mike Chaplin and Jake Winkle, who each discuss different ways of working with the darks in your paintings; Ian Sidaway demonstrates the simple but dramatic wash-off technique and wildlife artist Darren Woodhead discusses working in the field with his watercolours in extreme conditions. For anyone daunted about joining a life class, Amanda Cooper has some helpful advice, whilst artists working in acrylics will enjoy Craig Penny's demonstration of a Cambodian scene and Robert Dutton's look at the different types of acrylic available and their various characteristics and benefits. Rob Leckey shares his approach to mixed media and collage work; we discuss working on commissions; Ian Cryer, the new president of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters talks about his plans; and Soraya French concludes her current in-depth series on colour with a look at a tetradic colour scheme. Plus, don't miss all the usual news, views, reviews, recommended exhibitions to see and competitions to enter, including our own competition to win a day's framing course!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in The Artist December 2013.