The Artist  |  February 2015
Welcome to our bumper February issue including our additional 24-page Art Courses and Holidays supplement, packed with ideas for courses and art holidays worldwide to whet all artists' appetites and inspire new work. Plus, Ken Howard OBE RA talks about painting en plein air in Paris, while David Howell explains how to make life easier working in watercolour en plein air by limiting your palette and equipment. We have interviews with contemporary impressionist David Farren about how he achieves his atmospheric cityscapes and with Tony Allain about his working methods in pastel. Other practical articles focus on painting portraits in gouache, choosing brushes for oil painting, how to avoid overworking your acrylic paintings, how to lay a successful watercolour wash, why graffiti can make an interesting subject for colourful watercolour compositions, how to beat the February blues in watercolour and another painting challenge set by Jean Haines. These are just some of the inspirational articles in our February issue to keep you going over the coming weeks. Enjoy!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in The Artist February 2015.