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The Aviation Historian Magazine Issue 28 Edizione posteriore

35 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
From “Lone Wolf” photo-recce Dassault Mirages, thundering through the mountain valleys of Switzerland, to a Fairey Barracuda being rolled over the edge of a coastal cliff in Wales to plunge on to the rocks below (yes!), this 28th quarterly edition of The Aviation Historian contains plenty to excite and surprise. This summer’s celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the first Apollo Moon-landing has prompted us to mark the occasion in typically oblique TAH style: not by rehashing the story of Neil Armstrong’s “one giant leap for mankind” — plenty of that on the TV — but by looking at the earliest serious attempts to launch people vertically by rocket, without actually killing them. This happened in World War Two in Germany — the source of much early spaceflight technology — when the bizarre Bachem Ba 349 Natter rocket interceptor fighter was being designed and tested. Elsewhere in TAH28 we explore the political beginnings of the Airbus airliner programme (which also celebrates its 50th anniversary this year) as well as RAF heavy airborne guns; eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes’s long and special relationship with the Lockheed Constellation; attempts to convert the Douglas DC-4E airliner and its smaller stablemate the DC-4/C-54 into bombers, and much, much more. All this is illustrated with high-quality archive photographs and bespoke artwork.
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The Aviation Historian Magazine

Issue 28 From “Lone Wolf” photo-recce Dassault Mirages, thundering through the mountain valleys of Switzerland, to a Fairey Barracuda being rolled over the edge of a coastal cliff in Wales to plunge on to the rocks below (yes!), this 28th quarterly edition of The Aviation Historian contains plenty to excite and surprise. This summer’s celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the first Apollo Moon-landing has prompted us to mark the occasion in typically oblique TAH style: not by rehashing the story of Neil Armstrong’s “one giant leap for mankind” — plenty of that on the TV — but by looking at the earliest serious attempts to launch people vertically by rocket, without actually killing them. This happened in World War Two in Germany — the source of much early spaceflight technology — when the bizarre Bachem Ba 349 Natter rocket interceptor fighter was being designed and tested. Elsewhere in TAH28 we explore the political beginnings of the Airbus airliner programme (which also celebrates its 50th anniversary this year) as well as RAF heavy airborne guns; eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes’s long and special relationship with the Lockheed Constellation; attempts to convert the Douglas DC-4E airliner and its smaller stablemate the DC-4/C-54 into bombers, and much, much more. All this is illustrated with high-quality archive photographs and bespoke artwork.

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Issue Cover

The Aviation Historian Magazine  |  Issue 28  

From “Lone Wolf” photo-recce Dassault Mirages, thundering through the mountain valleys of Switzerland, to a Fairey Barracuda being rolled over the edge of a coastal cliff in Wales to plunge on to the rocks below (yes!), this 28th quarterly edition of The Aviation Historian contains plenty to excite and surprise. This summer’s celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the first Apollo Moon-landing has prompted us to mark the occasion in typically oblique TAH style: not by rehashing the story of Neil Armstrong’s “one giant leap for mankind” — plenty of that on the TV — but by looking at the earliest serious attempts to launch people vertically by rocket, without actually killing them. This happened in World War Two in Germany — the source of much early spaceflight technology — when the bizarre Bachem Ba 349 Natter rocket interceptor fighter was being designed and tested. Elsewhere in TAH28 we explore the political beginnings of the Airbus airliner programme (which also celebrates its 50th anniversary this year) as well as RAF heavy airborne guns; eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes’s long and special relationship with the Lockheed Constellation; attempts to convert the Douglas DC-4E airliner and its smaller stablemate the DC-4/C-54 into bombers, and much, much more. All this is illustrated with high-quality archive photographs and bespoke artwork.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Combining the permanence of a book with the diversity of a magazine, TAH is a boldly independent quarterly journal aimed at aviation’s “true believers” — anyone with a deep and abiding passion for the history of mankind’s quest to master the skies. If you want to take your interest to a new level, beyond the mainstream magazines available in the newsagents’ shops and online, TAH is for you. It will tell you things you never knew, and show you aircraft you have never seen. It will give you goosebumps; it will make you smile. It will expand your horizons and help you see the bigger picture of how flying has shaped and influenced humanity.

Brought to you by experienced former Aeroplane magazine principals Nick Stroud and Mick Oakey, TAH uses original source material — often little-known and previously unpublished — to explore aeronautical history from its beginnings to modern jets and the birth of spaceflight. It encompasses military and civil flying, the “golden era” between the World Wars, the Cold War, and many less familiar corners of the past.

Blending high-quality information, stunning archive photographs, uncluttered design and unrivalled graphics into a compact 132-page package four times a year, TAH is unlike any other aviation publication.

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Basato su 35 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

The Aviation Historian Magazine

Excellent Recensito 13 dicembre 2020

The Aviation Historian Magazine

A superb magazine. Well written and acrefully edited, with great photos, fascinating articles on many little-known subjects, and a clear and pleasing layout. Recensito 15 luglio 2020

Expert Aviation History Bookzines

Expert Aviation History Bookzines, high quality, highly recommended for military aviation buffs Recensito 22 novembre 2018

The aviation history

he tenido ocasion de ver la revista,me parece innovadora dentro de la especialidad de historia...creo que es una buena compra para todo el aficionado a la aviacion...merece la pena subscribirse Recensito 16 ottobre 2018

Love it

great mag Recensito 24 luglio 2013

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