Transliving Magazine  |  Transliving 83
Welcome to issue 83 of Transliving International, your magazine celebrating the amazing world of gender diversity.
This issue includes lots of amazing photos and features. Thank you to all our contributors who have made it possible, we couldn't do it without your support!
In this issue we feature Markie Thompson on the cover, further on we have an interview by Jessica Alice, Markie tells us all about life as a rising star as a singer and songwriter, and further on we also include a separate feature on her single that reached number one in Japan.
Regular contributor Nora Simone reports on a makeup artist Amy who runs Just You Studio in Las Vegas and who, throughout her 35-year career has ‘painted’ over 40,000 ladies' faces.
Nora also contributes in a special feature on how to pull off a swimsuit.
Chloe shares her amazing photos and holiday report on her trip to Japan.
We include photoshoots from Louise, Ophelia, Rebecca George, Julie and lots of other amazing contributors.
Bruce reports on the premier opening that he attended of Knock Out Blonde - the Kellie Maloney story.
We also include photos from our 2023 Transliving Christmas Weekend in Bournemouth bookings for which are now open for this year's weekend, along with our October 2024, March and October 2025 Eastbourne Weekends - see adverts further on in this issue with details on how to book.
And as you would expect we also include our extensive list of personal contact adverts and scene guide keeping you up to date with what's coming up on the social calendar in the trans community.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Transliving Magazine Transliving 83.