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Transliving Magazine Insights into Transgender Transsexuality & Cross-dressing Book Edizione speciale

57 Recensioni   •  English   •   Men's Interest (Gay)
Despite regularly being featured on chat shows, the transgendered are among the most misunderstood people in our community. This collection of writings gives an insight into the discrete world of transvestites and transsexuals. It reveals their fears, guilt and compulsions, whilst also considering the impact they have on others – families, friends, colleagues, employers and those in authority. An essential guide for anyone considering setting out on the transsexual road, it provides a much needed dash of reality based on a combination of direct experience and careful observation. This is a 'why' book – and a 'what' to do about it volume.

The book is divided into four main sections.

Section one is all about transvestism, and presents a series of articles concerning the syndrome and its impact on the TV and all those around him. Includes a piece about the potential loneliness of the single TV, and what to do about it.

Section two overviews TVism and TSism, and the various types of cross-dressing with their associated (and sometimes unusual) gender behaviours.

Section three is devoted to advisory articles or relevance to both TVs and TSs. There is practical advice on coming to terms with oneself, fitting room protocol in shops and how to improve the female voice. This section is relevant to all who venture out ‘dressed’.

Section four is much more specific to and for transsexuals. It includes an excellent informal guide for parents, how and where to go for GRS plus Dr. Russell Reid answers the most frequently asked questions.
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Transliving Magazine

Insights into Transgender Transsexuality & Cross-dressing Book Despite regularly being featured on chat shows, the transgendered are among the most misunderstood people in our community. This collection of writings gives an insight into the discrete world of transvestites and transsexuals. It reveals their fears, guilt and compulsions, whilst also considering the impact they have on others – families, friends, colleagues, employers and those in authority. An essential guide for anyone considering setting out on the transsexual road, it provides a much needed dash of reality based on a combination of direct experience and careful observation. This is a 'why' book – and a 'what' to do about it volume. The book is divided into four main sections. Section one is all about transvestism, and presents a series of articles concerning the syndrome and its impact on the TV and all those around him. Includes a piece about the potential loneliness of the single TV, and what to do about it. Section two overviews TVism and TSism, and the various types of cross-dressing with their associated (and sometimes unusual) gender behaviours. Section three is devoted to advisory articles or relevance to both TVs and TSs. There is practical advice on coming to terms with oneself, fitting room protocol in shops and how to improve the female voice. This section is relevant to all who venture out ‘dressed’. Section four is much more specific to and for transsexuals. It includes an excellent informal guide for parents, how and where to go for GRS plus Dr. Russell Reid answers the most frequently asked questions.

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Transliving Magazine  |  Insights into Transgender Transsexuality & Cross-dressing Book  

Despite regularly being featured on chat shows, the transgendered are among the most misunderstood people in our community. This collection of writings gives an insight into the discrete world of transvestites and transsexuals. It reveals their fears, guilt and compulsions, whilst also considering the impact they have on others – families, friends, colleagues, employers and those in authority. An essential guide for anyone considering setting out on the transsexual road, it provides a much needed dash of reality based on a combination of direct experience and careful observation. This is a 'why' book – and a 'what' to do about it volume.

The book is divided into four main sections.

Section one is all about transvestism, and presents a series of articles concerning the syndrome and its impact on the TV and all those around him. Includes a piece about the potential loneliness of the single TV, and what to do about it.

Section two overviews TVism and TSism, and the various types of cross-dressing with their associated (and sometimes unusual) gender behaviours.

Section three is devoted to advisory articles or relevance to both TVs and TSs. There is practical advice on coming to terms with oneself, fitting room protocol in shops and how to improve the female voice. This section is relevant to all who venture out ‘dressed’.

Section four is much more specific to and for transsexuals. It includes an excellent informal guide for parents, how and where to go for GRS plus Dr. Russell Reid answers the most frequently asked questions.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Transliving International is the magazine that amplifies the voice of all Gender Diverse and Trans people. It doesn't matter whether you think of yourself as MtF, FtM, Non-Binary (NB), Gender Fluid, TS, TG or TV or CD, or something else, or simply "me". Transliving is published for and welcomes everyone on the transgender (Trans) spectrum.

Each quarter, Transliving magazine delivers you 100 full-colour pages featuring interviews and high-quality photo shoots. You’ll also find plenty of articles to keep you up-to-date on issues affecting the gender diverse and trans community with hard-hitting comment and opinion. Along with features covering real-life stories, event reports & listings, readers' contacts, fashion, make-up & beauty features, partners' & family features. Information, support & advice and so much more...

Join the community with a subscription to Transliving magazine today - a must-read for all Gender Diverse / Trans people worldwide!

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Basato su 57 Recensioni dei clienti
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Great trans magazine

Very internationally based magazine of interest to trans people and their admirers Recensito 13 settembre 2017

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