WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST EXPERIENCE IN AFRICA? In 1990 my now husband Ron and I travelled overland from Europe to Africa, crossing into Morocco from Spain. The first few days of our adventure were a little scary but we soon got used to it. We enjoyed the vast remote Sahara and culture in West and Central Africa, but it was only when we reached Uganda and Kenya and visited the national parks that I truly fell in love with the continent.
WHY HAS AFRICA GOT UNDER YOUR SKIN? I love the adventurous lifestyle. Nothing ever goes to plan in Africa. Every day has new challenges and I love that.
HOW DID YOU AND RON MEET? I was hitch-hiking across Australia in 1988 and Ron picked me up. The lift turned into a six-week trip through some of the most amazing parts of the north of the country. From there we travelled through Asia and took the Trans-Siberian Railway from Beijing to Berlin. We spent some years in Germany before planning our next big adventure: to explore Africa. In 1995 we got married under an acacia tree in the Luangwa Valley.
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