UltraMarine Magazine  |  Issue 34
In the second part of Digital Reefs, John Clipperton expands on his concept of a ‘digital-reef’ –an aquarium or system designed thoughtfully both to utilise and capitalise on digital technologies either to create a system entirely, or to enhance an existing one.
Meanwhile, Sharon Ram, Chief Scientists of Red Sea, looks at the use of ozone to improve water quality, before we take a tour around Tony Brazao’s very impressive reef system, and Alf Jacob Nilsen looks at the fascinating but “beautifully ugly” frogfishes.
In this issue’s Getting the Basics Right, David Wolfenden discusses the often confusing issue of lighting systems and James Fatherree takes a good long look at the stony corals of the genus Montipora.
Hot from Interzoo 2012 in Nuremburg, Simon Garratt presents a few of his show highlights, and Richard Aspinall gives us the low-down on some delightful critters in Shrimps for the Marine Tank, and John Clipperton focuses on the Hawkfishes of the Cirrhitidae in his Fishes in Focus series.
We also have our regular features – Marine News, full of the latest news from the marine world, and Questions & Answers—one of our most popular features—where our marine expert, David Wolfenden, answers a selection of marine queries posed by readers.
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