UltraMarine Magazine  |  Issue 39
Well, didn't we have fun this month! First off, UltraMarine editor Richard Aspinall took time out to visit London in order to meet one of the world's best captive reefs. David Saxby's systems are phenomenal and Richard's photography does them full justice in London's Finest – David Saxby's 12,500 Litre Reef.
Meanwhile, Tim Hunt shows us just how good a smaller system can be, when we revisit a tank first highlighted by UltraMarine in 2008. We think you will be stunned by how well-balanced this established system is in Tim's Coral Cube.
John Clipperton has two slots in this issue. In the first, John explains how he convinced his 'other half' that his reef system was due an upgrade in When Less is More: My Minimal Upgrade, while his regular Fishes in Focus series focuses this time round on the Tangs of the Acanthurus Genus, with a great overview of this, the largest surgeonfish genus.
Richard gets his hands on some more new stuff this month and gives us the lowdown. First, he gets to grips with Hagen's latest brand in The Fluval Sea Range, and then he reviews a new mid-range skimmer from UFO in the UFO UCO-180 Skimmer.
In an important conservation article, Mark Schick tells us about the work The SECORE Foundation (SECORE = SExual COral REproduction) is doing in developing best practice for coral reef propagation and restoration.
Alf J Nilsen brings us something a little different this time round, when he concentrates on the 56 or so species that belong to the Mushroom Corals of the Family Fungiidae.
As always, we have our regular features – Marine News, full of the latest news from the marine world, and Questions & Answers – one of our most popular features – where our marine expert, David Wolfenden, answers a selection of marine queries posed by readers.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in UltraMarine Magazine Issue 39.