UltraMarine Magazine  |  Issue 45
Well, it feels like a blast from the past at the moment… We are joined by an old friend as this issue’s ‘guest designer’, Chris Hart no less, a few of you will remember him.
Chris is stepping in to help out whilst Bob Yorke, our usual designer is feeling a little unwell. Bob will be back with us for the next issue, but we wish him a speedy recovery.
We’ve also got a guest expert in this issue to support us in the Q&A. Dave Wolfenden is away somewhere tropical with his mind on other things, so thanks are due to Jim Adelberg for stepping in at the last minute.
Jim is the Editor of the very excellent Reef Hobbyist Magazine based in the States. If you’ve not read it, you should!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in UltraMarine Magazine Issue 45.