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Web Designer Magazine Issue 275 Edizione posteriore

4 Recensioni   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Internet)
Every designer and developer needs the right tools in their creative and/or
coding arsenal. The pros know all the best tools to use and that’s exactly who has chosen our collection for this issue’s lead feature. There is a cornucopia of talent that will make your everyday workflow, faster, easier, and, quite simply, better. Included in the line-up are fifty of the best prototyping and build tools, frameworks, colour tools and fonts, web animation, methodologies and testing, IDEs, code playgrounds and must-try browser extensions. Have a good look through the collection and see what fits your workflow.
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Web Designer

Issue 275 FIFTY MUST TRY TOOLS FOR TODAY'S DESIGNERS AND DEVELOPERS Every designer and developer needs the right tools in their creative and/or coding arsenal. The pros know all the best tools to use and that’s exactly who has chosen our collection for this issue’s lead feature. There is a cornucopia of talent that will make your everyday workflow, faster, easier, and, quite simply, better. Included in the line-up are fifty of the best prototyping and build tools, frameworks, colour tools and fonts, web animation, methodologies and testing, IDEs, code playgrounds and must-try browser extensions. Have a good look through the collection and see what fits your workflow.

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Issue Cover

Web Designer  |  Issue 275  

Every designer and developer needs the right tools in their creative and/or
coding arsenal. The pros know all the best tools to use and that’s exactly who has chosen our collection for this issue’s lead feature. There is a cornucopia of talent that will make your everyday workflow, faster, easier, and, quite simply, better. Included in the line-up are fifty of the best prototyping and build tools, frameworks, colour tools and fonts, web animation, methodologies and testing, IDEs, code playgrounds and must-try browser extensions. Have a good look through the collection and see what fits your workflow.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
The flagship publication for international web creatives and digital designers, Web Designer offers expert project-based tutorials across modern disciplines such as HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript and web app development.

Accessible to enthusiasts, students and professionals of all skill levels, every issue features the biggest agency profiles, behind the scenes look at how the best sites are built and cutting-edge trends and techniques. Give your latest website the perfect start with the ultimate design mag for the web professional.

Please note: Digital versions of the magazines do not include the covermount items or supplements that you find on printed editions.

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Basato su 4 Recensioni dei clienti
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Web Designer

I really, really love this magazine, and I am super sad that it's gone. Really nothing else like it. Recensito 27 aprile 2020

Best of its type

Very comprehensive Recensito 20 luglio 2019

Articoli in questo numero

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