Well Being Journal  |  January/February 2017
In our first issue of 2017 we bring you fascinating material focused around depression and how to look at it from a holistic viewpoint. Gwen Olson, a former pharmaceutical company representative, asserts how the pharmaceutical company is exploiting a large segment of the population, many of them children, so that it can push its drugs for a lifetime and increase its profits. Kelly Brogan, MD, reveals that one of the ways depression is often caused is by an inflammatory condition in the body, not imbalances in the brain. She shares evidence of how to reverse depression without drugs. Brogan, MD, also shares information about how antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs are linked to suicidal tendencies and violence. Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo extols the virtues of certain foods and nutrients that have been proven to help regenerate tissues in the body. William Larzelere, OMD, offers simple exercises such as breathing and acupuncture that can help calm the mind and body. Shannon McRae, PhD, writes about the role of the vagus nerve in inflammation, GERD, SIBO, and Gastroparesis. All of this and so much more.
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Well Being Journal January/February 2017.