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Health & Fitness

Arthritis Digest Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
18 Recensioni   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Medical)
From €1,83 per numero
Arthritis Digest magazine summarises the latest research in the arthritis arena making it essential reading for anyone affected by the painful condition.

Informative, upbeat and packed full of news and reviews about drugs, pain relief, superfoods, products and services, each issue has a star celebrity interview and true stories.

Arthritis Digest magazine informs readers and encourages them to learn, try new ideas and explore their options. You’ll know what your doctor is talking about, what options are available to you and what’s around the corner in terms of new treatments.

Take control of your arthritis – with Arthritis Digest.
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Arthritis Digest

2024 Issue 3 What I love most about my job is the people I get to speak to. Beth Smith, for example, started out as a healthy young person. But a chronic health issue changed her life forever. After fighting to even receive a diagnosis, Beth has embraced the trajectory her life has taken, and works tirelessly to help others similarly affected. She does not pretend everything is okay; nor does she wallow. Beth, and others like her, are an inspiration to me every single day. Elsewhere in the issue we look at if arthritis symptoms can be influenced by our internal body clock. And as always we round up the latest research in the arthritis arena along with foodie news, helpful products and travel ideas. Enjoy.

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€1,83 / edizione
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Issue Cover

Arthritis Digest  |  2024 Issue 3  

What I love most about my job is the people I get to speak to. Beth Smith, for example, started out as a healthy young person. But a chronic health issue changed her life forever. After fighting to even receive a diagnosis, Beth has embraced the trajectory her life has taken, and works tirelessly to help others similarly affected. She does not pretend everything is okay; nor does she wallow. Beth, and others like her, are an inspiration to me every single day.
Elsewhere in the issue we look at if arthritis symptoms can be influenced by our internal body clock. And as always we round up the latest research in the arthritis arena along with foodie news, helpful products and travel ideas. Enjoy.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Arthritis Digest magazine summarises the latest research in the arthritis arena making it essential reading for anyone affected by the painful condition.

Informative, upbeat and packed full of news and reviews about drugs, pain relief, superfoods, products and services, each issue has a star celebrity interview and true stories.

Arthritis Digest magazine informs readers and encourages them to learn, try new ideas and explore their options. You’ll know what your doctor is talking about, what options are available to you and what’s around the corner in terms of new treatments.

Take control of your arthritis – with Arthritis Digest.

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Basato su 18 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Very useful

Can help with pain management Recensito 20 maggio 2022

Very informative

Best information available to ensure those who suffer from this condition are given as much help as possible Recensito 09 aprile 2022

informative Mag for Arthritis Sufferers

informative Mag for Arthritis Sufferers Recensito 25 febbraio 2021

Very helpful

Lots of handy tips Recensito 23 luglio 2019

Highly informative

Particularly useful for relatives of those who suffer from this condition Recensito 15 luglio 2019

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