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Aviation & Transport

DRAG Race Technology Magazine

1 Comentários   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Race engines do not live in isolation, this special report on Drag Race Technology puts the powertrain into the whole car context. Featuring input from many top NHRA, IHRA & ADRL crew chiefs and written by Ian Bamsey, the world’s leading motor racing technical writer, each report forms a unique review of the engineering and mechanics behind the world’s fastest growing form of motorsport.
DRAG Race Technology Preview PagesDRAG Race Technology Preview Pages

DRAG Race Technology

Volume 10 - February 2020 Highlights in this issue include a dossier looking at what it takes to build and run Rickie Smith's Pro Mod Camaro for the NHRA Pro Mod competition. Dustin Lee explains what it takes to prepare a competitive Suzuki Hayabusa bike for the extremely tightly fought index and bracket (ET) formats of the sportsman class. We have a focus on chassis materials and fabrication and an insight into wheelie bars. Drag Race Technology v10 has digests on the Wairua Spirit LSR car from New Zealand which is aiming for the outright wheel driven land speed record and Erica Enders' Elite Motorsport Pro Stock Camaro.

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DRAG Race Technology issue Volume 10 -  February 2020

DRAG Race Technology  |  Volume 10 - February 2020  

Highlights in this issue include a dossier looking at what it takes to build and run Rickie Smith's Pro Mod Camaro for the NHRA Pro Mod competition. Dustin Lee explains what it takes to prepare a competitive Suzuki Hayabusa bike for the extremely tightly fought index and bracket (ET) formats of the sportsman class. We have a focus on chassis materials and fabrication and an insight into wheelie bars. Drag Race Technology v10 has digests on the Wairua Spirit LSR car from New Zealand which is aiming for the outright wheel driven land speed record and Erica Enders' Elite Motorsport Pro Stock Camaro.
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