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Leisure Painter Magazine September 2012 Edição anterior

294 Comentários   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
Only €6,99
Welcome to the September issue of Leisure Painter. There's something for everyone in this issue, from pastel figure painting to water in watercolour. Enjoy your month of painting...
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Leisure Painter

September 2012 Welcome to the September issue of Leisure Painter. There's something for everyone in this issue, from pastel figure painting to water in watercolour. Enjoy your month of painting...

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Esta edição e outras edições anteriores não estão incluídas numa Leisure Painter inscrição. As assinaturas incluem a edição regular mais recente e os novos números lançados durante sua assinatura e começam a partir de €2,83 por edição no Hobbies & Crafts Digital Magazine Mega Sale offer. . Se pretende subscrever, consulte o nosso Opções de assinatura
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Issue Cover

Leisure Painter  |  September 2012  

Welcome to the September issue of Leisure Painter. There's something for everyone in this issue, from pastel figure painting to water in watercolour. Enjoy your month of painting...
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Leisure Painter magazine was founded in 1967 and is the UK's most popular art and painting magazine that is published 12 times a year. The award-winning company was created to assist amateur artists of all levels and cover all aspects of painting and drawing including pencils, acrylics, charcoals, oil paints, pastels and watercolours. Not only does Leisure Painter cover a range of materials, but also a huge variety of topics are covered too, including flowers, landscapes, buildings, animals, boats and portraits.

With Leisure Painter magazine, you can gain access to an online community of like-minded artists who share their top tips and advice on how to develop your skills, as well as enter regular competitions including David Bellamy's sketchbook challenge. Plus, you can pour over the exhibition and art events pages to find opportunities to dive further into your hobby with other enthusiasts.

Try your hand at one of the Leisure Painter’s painting projects - for example, “how to capture the character of an old building using watercolours” or “step-by-step guides on how to complete your drawing of distant mountains with charcoal”. Regular projects from our regular contributors are a great way to expand your artistic skill set.

Subscribe today to Leisure Painter Magazine UK and access these regular benefits:

  • The latest art exhibitions
  • Tip shares
  • Suggestions and ideas from readers
  • Art bookstore
  • ‘Holiday of The Month’ for artists
  • Art clubs
  • Art club gallery
  • Online gallery
  • Art offers
  • Art Competitions
  • The sketchbook challenge
  • Master wet-into-wet watercolour tips
  • Seasonal features
  • Painting projects

Receberá 12 edições durante um ano Leisure Painter assinatura da revista.

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Com base em 294 Comentários de clientes
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Excellent read

Trade for all those amateur painters Revisto 25 abril 2022

Excellent quality

Great articles for those that like to paint at home Revisto 19 abril 2022

Leisure Painter

Very helpful.
Revisto 20 fevereiro 2021

Leisure Painter

I love your magazine! It really helps people learn how to paint. Revisto 22 janeiro 2021

Leisure Painter

Beats the US in magazines.
Revisto 23 dezembro 2020

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