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Art & Photography

Creative Photography The Complete Manual Magazine

2 edições por ano   |  English
0 Comentários   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
From €3,00 por edição
Don’t be content to simply discover how to push your digital camera skills to the limit, join our team of experts each and every issue to put your skills above and far beyond your expectations! There has never been a better time to learn photography. Imaging technology has come on in leaps and bounds in the space of a few short years, and to be able to get the best out of your camera and continue to do so, you need a good understanding of how photography trends and hardware changes will effect your base skill set . Within the pages of this ongoing series of guides our team of professional photographers will take you through our comprehensive guides to becoming a far better photographer, evolving your talent with each new issue. Learn everything you need to know about all future updates to hardware and new photography trends and techniques as they happen! To keep informed regarding core updates and hardware changes and continue to get the best from your device and the software that runs it, all at a discounted price, why not subscribe. Subscribe. Evolve. Improve. Learn. Understand! 100% unofficial.

An updated edition of this Complete Manual is released twice a year. An active subscription grants access to the updated edition when it is released.
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Creative Photography The Complete Manual Preview Pages Creative Photography The Complete Manual Preview Pages Creative Photography The Complete Manual Preview Pages Creative Photography The Complete Manual Preview Pages Creative Photography The Complete Manual Preview Pages Creative Photography The Complete Manual Preview Pages Creative Photography The Complete Manual Preview Pages Creative Photography The Complete Manual Preview Pages

Creative Photography The Complete Manual

Winter 2024 FULLY UPDATED FOR 2025. At its simplest level, taking a picture is done to record an event or capture a memory; taking a selfie, or a snap of loved ones on holiday, perhaps. This is how most of us have been introduced to photography. Our camera phones have become our first point of contact with the world of photography and, for many, it can lead on to more creative pastures with the purchase of a more advanced device such as a Compact System Camera or a DSLR. At this point, photography can seem quite daunting; especially for beginners. There appears to be a lot of technical knowledge that must be learnt, terms that need to be understood, even mathematics that have to be worked out. The more you uncover about it, the less you seem to know. Don’t worry, photography is not nearly as complex and intimidating as you might think. Sure there are technical aspects, but with the help of this guide we hope to give you a solid grounding in all you need to know to use your camera with confidence and use it creatively.

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Issue Cover

Creative Photography The Complete Manual  |  Winter 2024  

FULLY UPDATED FOR 2025. At its simplest level, taking a picture is done to record an event or capture a memory; taking a selfie, or a snap of loved ones on holiday, perhaps. This is how most of us have been introduced to photography. Our camera phones have become our first point of contact with the world of photography and, for many, it can lead on to more creative pastures with the purchase of a more advanced device such as a Compact System Camera or a DSLR. At this point, photography can seem quite daunting; especially for beginners. There appears to be a lot of technical knowledge that must be learnt, terms that need to be understood, even mathematics that have to be worked out. The more you uncover about it, the less you seem to know. Don’t worry, photography is not nearly as complex and intimidating as you might think. Sure there are technical aspects, but with the help of this guide we hope to give you a solid grounding in all you need to know to use your camera with confidence and use it creatively.
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Don’t be content to simply discover how to push your digital camera skills to the limit, join our team of experts each and every issue to put your skills above and far beyond your expectations! There has never been a better time to learn photography. Imaging technology has come on in leaps and bounds in the space of a few short years, and to be able to get the best out of your camera and continue to do so, you need a good understanding of how photography trends and hardware changes will effect your base skill set . Within the pages of this ongoing series of guides our team of professional photographers will take you through our comprehensive guides to becoming a far better photographer, evolving your talent with each new issue. Learn everything you need to know about all future updates to hardware and new photography trends and techniques as they happen! To keep informed regarding core updates and hardware changes and continue to get the best from your device and the software that runs it, all at a discounted price, why not subscribe. Subscribe. Evolve. Improve. Learn. Understand! 100% unofficial.

An updated edition of this Complete Manual is released twice a year. An active subscription grants access to the updated edition when it is released.

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Receberá 2 edições durante um ano Creative Photography The Complete Manual assinatura da revista.

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