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Match Fishing Magazine December 2018 Edição anterior

119 Comentários   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
Only €4,99
Wow what a star-studded line up we have for you this month as we welcome in the year end with a banger of an issue.
This issue is absolutely packed with great advice from the sports biggest names. Cover star Des Shipp gives you a huge guide to pellet fishing that is must see for every match angler. Des really is the man when it comes to commercial fishing and his advice is simple and easy to understand no matter what level you are fishing at.
Five-Times World Champion Alan Scotthorne is back in the MF pages as he brings you all of the lessons he learnt from a crucial team event at Furzton Lakes. International rules events may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there are tips here that anyone can implement.
Our resident feeder expert Steve Ringer gives you his essential guide to winter carp fishing. The former World Champion is a master when it comes to catching those winter humpbacks, and his easy-to-follow tips will put more fish in your net this winter.
If you are on the hunt for some new kit, then we have some great tackle exclusives as we hunt out the new releases that have got you lot talking over the last few weeks. Be sure to look through our tackle section if you have got some money burning a hole in your pocket!
This truly is a feature packed issue and one that marks a great end to 2018.
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Match Fishing

December 2018 Wow what a star-studded line up we have for you this month as we welcome in the year end with a banger of an issue. This issue is absolutely packed with great advice from the sports biggest names. Cover star Des Shipp gives you a huge guide to pellet fishing that is must see for every match angler. Des really is the man when it comes to commercial fishing and his advice is simple and easy to understand no matter what level you are fishing at. Five-Times World Champion Alan Scotthorne is back in the MF pages as he brings you all of the lessons he learnt from a crucial team event at Furzton Lakes. International rules events may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there are tips here that anyone can implement. Our resident feeder expert Steve Ringer gives you his essential guide to winter carp fishing. The former World Champion is a master when it comes to catching those winter humpbacks, and his easy-to-follow tips will put more fish in your net this winter. If you are on the hunt for some new kit, then we have some great tackle exclusives as we hunt out the new releases that have got you lot talking over the last few weeks. Be sure to look through our tackle section if you have got some money burning a hole in your pocket! This truly is a feature packed issue and one that marks a great end to 2018.

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Issue Cover

Match Fishing  |  December 2018  

Wow what a star-studded line up we have for you this month as we welcome in the year end with a banger of an issue.
This issue is absolutely packed with great advice from the sports biggest names. Cover star Des Shipp gives you a huge guide to pellet fishing that is must see for every match angler. Des really is the man when it comes to commercial fishing and his advice is simple and easy to understand no matter what level you are fishing at.
Five-Times World Champion Alan Scotthorne is back in the MF pages as he brings you all of the lessons he learnt from a crucial team event at Furzton Lakes. International rules events may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there are tips here that anyone can implement.
Our resident feeder expert Steve Ringer gives you his essential guide to winter carp fishing. The former World Champion is a master when it comes to catching those winter humpbacks, and his easy-to-follow tips will put more fish in your net this winter.
If you are on the hunt for some new kit, then we have some great tackle exclusives as we hunt out the new releases that have got you lot talking over the last few weeks. Be sure to look through our tackle section if you have got some money burning a hole in your pocket!
This truly is a feature packed issue and one that marks a great end to 2018.
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Match Fishing is THE magazine for any angler that wants to catch more fish and gain an edge! All aspects of competitive fishing are covered, with in-depth features, advice and stories covering lakes, canals and rivers. No matter where you fish or your level of ability, there is something for you to enjoy, each and every month, in Match Fishing!
England’s match anglers are regular gold medallists at the World Championships, Match Fishing magazine is packed with the tips and methods that help to keep them at the top of the sport.
This title is published by David Hall Publishing Ltd.

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Com base em 119 Comentários de clientes
Ver críticas

Match Fishing

Unfortunately Match Fishing Magazine is not available in my country, so I had to choose the digital copy. I think this is a fantastic magazine, with great balance in terms of the different fishing methods, advertisement, tackle introductions. The details of the articles are amazing, both the pictures and the descriptions are clear and very well detailed. Revisto 18 janeiro 2021

Match Fishing

Great Revisto 27 abril 2020

Match Fishing

Great read every month Revisto 03 abril 2020

Highly competitive

Always a good read Revisto 20 julho 2019

Inspiring read

Great ideas and clues to how to succeed in this area of fishing Revisto 27 junho 2019

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