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Well Being Journal Magazine Sept/Oct 2017 Edição anterior

21 Comentários   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Medical)
Only €10,99
William Davis, MD, advocates that we be aware of the pitfalls of modern medicine—greed, high-ticket drugs and procedures, and its desire for greater revenues—and use the knowledge that has exploded in the Information Age and is exposing the current healthcare system for “the profiteering behemoth it has become.” Proliferating information now gives the individual power to be smarter than their doctors and administer their own care without the pitfalls of the system. John Poothullil, MD, introduces new thinking regarding the theoretical notion that insulin resistance is a proximate cause of type 2 diabetes. He provides evidence from twenty years of research that long-term consumption of grains causes fat cells to become so full that glucose must remain in the blood, despite the presence of insulin, causing high blood sugar and eventually diabetes. Ellen Tadd, author of The Infinite View, discusses how direct spiritual experience gave her answers to central questions about her life and that of those around her. In this interview, she discusses destiny, choice, meditation, vision, the power of positive attitudes, and how she helps others in her counseling practice.
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Well Being Journal

Sept/Oct 2017 William Davis, MD, advocates that we be aware of the pitfalls of modern medicine—greed, high-ticket drugs and procedures, and its desire for greater revenues—and use the knowledge that has exploded in the Information Age and is exposing the current healthcare system for “the profiteering behemoth it has become.” Proliferating information now gives the individual power to be smarter than their doctors and administer their own care without the pitfalls of the system. John Poothullil, MD, introduces new thinking regarding the theoretical notion that insulin resistance is a proximate cause of type 2 diabetes. He provides evidence from twenty years of research that long-term consumption of grains causes fat cells to become so full that glucose must remain in the blood, despite the presence of insulin, causing high blood sugar and eventually diabetes. Ellen Tadd, author of The Infinite View, discusses how direct spiritual experience gave her answers to central questions about her life and that of those around her. In this interview, she discusses destiny, choice, meditation, vision, the power of positive attitudes, and how she helps others in her counseling practice.

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Well Being Journal issue Sept/Oct 2017

Well Being Journal  |  Sept/Oct 2017  

William Davis, MD, advocates that we be aware of the pitfalls of modern medicine—greed, high-ticket drugs and procedures, and its desire for greater revenues—and use the knowledge that has exploded in the Information Age and is exposing the current healthcare system for “the profiteering behemoth it has become.” Proliferating information now gives the individual power to be smarter than their doctors and administer their own care without the pitfalls of the system. John Poothullil, MD, introduces new thinking regarding the theoretical notion that insulin resistance is a proximate cause of type 2 diabetes. He provides evidence from twenty years of research that long-term consumption of grains causes fat cells to become so full that glucose must remain in the blood, despite the presence of insulin, causing high blood sugar and eventually diabetes. Ellen Tadd, author of The Infinite View, discusses how direct spiritual experience gave her answers to central questions about her life and that of those around her. In this interview, she discusses destiny, choice, meditation, vision, the power of positive attitudes, and how she helps others in her counseling practice.
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Well Being Journal is dedicated to publishing cogent, concise, expert information about natural ways to prevent and heal illnesses and reverse aging. We herald the integration of medicine with physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social aspects of health. We publish well substantiated feature articles and research notes covering those subjects as well as personal stories of healing—and we’ve been doing so for 20 years!
The Journal also publishes research as well as personal and clinical experiences about the nutritional and natural healing and prevention of illnesses, including arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular or heart disease, diabetes, Lyme disease, Alzheimer’s/dementia and much more. Regarded as a treasure trove by subscribers, the Journal, with 52 pages each issue, provides healthy, fascinating reading cover-to-cover.
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Com base em 21 Comentários de clientes
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Always a good read

Excellent to ensure that all leaders have good well-being Revisto 19 abril 2022

Great read

Great for mindfulness and wellbeing for all members of the family of all generations Revisto 09 abril 2022

Natural Ways to Heal and Stay Healthy

Natural Ways to Heal and Stay Healthy Revisto 25 fevereiro 2021

Well Being Journal

Easy to read and informative articles. Revisto 02 maio 2020

Fabulous - very informative and interesting. It makes you think about prescribe medications and the effect on our health. Recommend to anyone. Revisto 28 junho 2012

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