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What Doctors Don't Tell You Magazine December 2015 Edição anterior

20 Comentários   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Medical)
Only €5,99
In the December 2015 issue read about the real solution to Candida, the hidden link between backache and a hysterectomy, recipes to give your natural pet and so much more!
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What Doctors Don't Tell You

December 2015 In the December 2015 issue read about the real solution to Candida, the hidden link between backache and a hysterectomy, recipes to give your natural pet and so much more!

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Issue Cover

What Doctors Don't Tell You  |  December 2015  

In the December 2015 issue read about the real solution to Candida, the hidden link between backache and a hysterectomy, recipes to give your natural pet and so much more!
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What Doctors Don't Tell You is a health advice magazine with articles on how to beat asthma, arthritis, cancer, depression and other chronic conditions. It focuses on alternative health treatments that have been scientifically proven to work.

Our main work is producing the long research articles that can make a big difference to people’s health. They’re so well respected that they’ve even been cited in courts of law!

It’s something we’ve been doing since 1989. Along the way, we’ve helped many thousands of people regain their health after they’d be written off by medicine, and we’ve also attracted opponents who want to shut us down.

Despite their efforts, we have won ‘Most Popular Health Site of the Year’ award three times, and our monthly magazine sells in stores across the UK and the US.

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Com base em 20 Comentários de clientes
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Alternative Health Mag

Alternative Health Mag coving all angles of alternative health care Revisto 25 fevereiro 2021

Alternative Health Mag

Alternative Health Mag coving all angles of alternative health care Revisto 25 fevereiro 2021
Not sure how much is valid, but I still like the read....(wish though that the entire magazine was downloadable as part of the Digital subsctiption)">

What Doctors Don't Tell You

I actually subscribe to the PRINT and DIGITAL issue because I am interested in "alternate" and "under question" points of view..
Not sure how much is valid, but I still like the read....(wish though that the entire magazine was downloadable as part of the Digital subsctiption)
Revisto 26 janeiro 2021

What Doctors Don't Tell You

Learned a great deal from this mag - love it Revisto 29 outubro 2020

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