Modern Railways  |  Rolling Stock Review 2018-2019
Welcome to the first edition of Rolling Stock Review, a new annual publication covering in detail the ever-changing locomotive and multiple unit scene on the railways in England, Scotland and Wales.
Each class and sub-class of current, ordered and proposed trains are included, giving a detailed technical review of the class, showing all modifications and sub-class differences. Illustrations of all classes are included and these have been specially selected to illustrate as many different features as possible, including different liveries.
The developments we have seen over the past few years, with new trains ordered and entering service, total rebuilds of some existing stock and the withdrawal of some older classes, is set to continue over the months and years ahead and RSR will guide you through these changes, detailing what is going on and reviewing the introduction of new trains as well as the cascade of older stock to different areas.
Colin J. Marsden, Editor
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Modern Railways Rolling Stock Review 2018-2019.