Editors Corie and Sean Weaver are reading for the third volume in an annual series of science fiction anthologies, the 2017 Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide. Stories can be any genre of science fiction but must be suitable for a readership aged 9-12. Stories should have a main character the readers can identify with, plus a diverse range of other characters. Stories must be science fiction, not fantasy. Absolutely no strong language or sex. No graphically described violence.
Stories are particularly wanted featuring characters traditionally underrepresented in science fiction: girls, disabled people, people of colour. In line with the title of the anthology there should be a strong sense of adventure.
Submissions must be 3,000-6,000 words. Deadline is 15 May. Original stories are greatly preferred, but enquire about reprints. Payment is 6¢ per word plus two contributor’s copies for one-year exclusive worldwide rights plus nonexclusive ongoing rights. The book will be published by Dreaming Robot Press.