Airports of the World  |  FREE sample issue
Thank you for downloading this free sample issue of Airports of the World, which incorporates a selection of features that have appeared in the magazine over the last year. We make strenuous efforts to produce entertaining articles on a wide variety of subjects related to airports. Specifically, over the last couple of years, these have ranged from detailed profiles to behind-the-scenes investigations into what happens in parts of our airfields that few travellers get to see. We’ve looked at past as well as present operations; the technology and commercial challenges of running complex businesses that employ hundreds or, in some cases, thousands of staff and we have talked to senior executives and staff working in the industry to get the inside stories and to ensure the material we produce is well sourced and accurate. We also aim to illustrate all our features with the best photography available.
Airports are gateways to the world, through which millions of us pass during our work or while going on holidays. They can be happy places that evoke strong memories of wonderful trips, as well as joyous reunions, but navigating their giant terminals can sometimes be frustrating. By lifting the lid on what happens we aim to showcase the best of them and reveal some of the challenges faced by workers at the sharp end of the business. Above all, we’re driven by our enthusiasm for, and fascination with, airports. We wish to convey our passion for the subject to you.
Airports of the World is published every two months and is available at many good newsagents and through the Key Publishing shop, as well as in digital format. I hope you enjoy reading the contents of this special issue and encourage you to pick up further copies throughout the year.
Barry Woods-Turner, Contributing Editor
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As a subscriber you'll receive the following benefits:
• A discount off the RRP of your magazine
• Your magazine delivered to your device each month
• You'll never miss an issue
• You’re protected from price rises that may happen later in the year
You'll receive 6 issues during a 1 year Airports of the World magazine subscription.
Note: Digital editions do not include the covermount items or supplements you would find with printed copies.
Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Airports of the World FREE sample issue.