Aviation Specials  |  Classic VW
The original VW Beetle is a design icon and with more than 21 million sold, the best-selling car of all time. Hardly surprising, then, that Volkswagen used the same air-cooled, rear-engine set-up as the basis for a model line-up that turned the company into one of the world’s largest motoring manufacturers.
The rugged, reliable and easy to work on underpinnings of the Beetle made their way into a raft of similarly iconic vehicles, from the much-loved Type 2, that spawned the Campervan market of today, to arguably one of the most beautiful cars of all time, the Karmann Ghia.
This special publication showcases the best of VW’s golden age with fabulous examples of each ‘Type’ of air-cooled VW and details the history of Volkswagen and how these iconic cars came about.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Aviation Specials Classic VW.