Aviation Specials  |  Buses Yearbook 2025
Buses Yearbook 2025, the 61st edition of the No 1 public transport annual produced by the team behind Buses Magazine, follows a proven format with a mixture of articles on current and historic developments, strictly factual ones, and others of a more whimsical or personal nature.
Present day content includes the introduction of electric buses in Oxford and London and the growing number of buses and coaches imported from China.
Historic content includes coaches and single-deck buses launched in 1974, an insight into the Cawlett group in southwest England, change of identity of two municipal fleets in Scotland in 1975, and public transport integration in Tyne & Wear in the 1980s.
Northumbria, Cyprus, the United States, the former kingdom of Mercia and points around the English and Welsh coasts also feature in this 132-page edition, which boasts a wide selection of more than 200 photographs.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Aviation Specials Buses Yearbook 2025.