Aviation Specials  |  RAF Salute: History and Heroism
Welcome to this special Royal Air Force publication, dedicated to the RAF Museum, in the year that celebrates the service’s 100th birthday.
Originally conceived to mark the RAF’s 50th anniversary, the Museum was founded in 1968 to commemorate achievements of the past, celebrate the incredible group of people that have made - and continue to make - the service special, and to inspire the next generation of men and women. Our founding fathers set out to achieve those aims five decades ago, and we continue their fine work today.
I very much hope you enjoy this special publication, and that you visit our museums at London and Cosford in person, or engage with us online, soon. We look forward to giving you a warm welcome.
Air Chief Marshal Sir Glenn Torpy GCB CBE DSO
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, RAF Museum
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Aviation Specials RAF Salute: History and Heroism.