BBC Science Focus Magazine  |  April 2023
Volcanic activity spotted on Venus for the first time; neuroscientists map the entire brain of an insect; wild rats in New York are infected with COVID-19; revolutionary gene-editing technique restores vision in mice;
compounds essential for life found on near-Earth asteroid; a good night’s sleep boosts effectiveness of vaccination; macaques create stone shards when making tools, just like early humans; all you need to know about the IPCC report; new spacesuit for moonwalks revealed.
The science behind the headlines: Why do politicians want to make laughing gas illegal? Is testosterone a menopause wonder drug? Can positive affirmations improve your life?
In some parts of the world, it’s a struggle to recruit agricultural labourers to help with weeding, harvesting and ploughing. Could farmbots help meet the demands?
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in BBC Science Focus Magazine April 2023.