Making Jewellery  |  Tatting Collage
By: Lindsay Rogers
Traditionally used for doyleys and edging handkerchiefs or collars, there is much more that can be done with tatting with a bit of imagination. Tatting is basically a handmade lace, with each stitch composed of two half-hitch knots. The single thread is looped and knotted with the aid of a small shuttle, and people are often amazed that so simple a technique can produce such intricate results. The appeal of the craft is that it is simple and portable, you can take your tatting equipment anywhere, and now that Tatting Collage is republished as a concealed spiral bound book it will be easy to use ‘on-the-go’. Tatting collage creates attractive designs by combining small motifs and gluing them down to card, paper or fabric. As well as offering great fun and flexibility, it also avoids the need to handle large and complicated pieces of tatting - a bonus if you are pressed for time or are new to the craft and looking for encouragement.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Making Jewellery Tatting Collage.