Stamp Magazine  |  Feb-17
In our February issue, we investigate why the unloved Downey head definitives of King George V can make a great postal history collection, and find out how the engraving of Swiss stamps was dominated by a father-and-son team for two generations.
We also assess the potential for thematic collections based on the life and times of the composer Felix Mendelssohn, and the magnificent cathedrals, churches and abbeys of Great Britain. Elsewhere, you’ll find the story behind the return of the iconic image of Britannia to the stamps of Trinidad in 1896.
Also up for discussion are the issues of Zil Elwannyen Sesel (the outer islands of the Seychelles), Royal Mail’s new set featuring sites and artefacts of Ancient Britain, how to tackle the forging of modern Machins, and why stamp collecting drives you crazy!
Plus, there’s all our regular coverage of world news, auction highlights, events and new issues.
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The monthly magazine is published on the second Thursday of every month and has firmly established itself as the authority in its field. Stamp Magazine is your regular dose of all things philatelic. Each month it brings a truly global mix of the latest issues and stories behind classic stamps from the past and present.
With exciting news about rare stamps from around the world, breathtaking prices reached at auction, stamp shows around the world and informative features, including readers sharing their stories and showing off their collections - it’s accessible, colourful, highly informative and entertaining. The title is internationally renowned for its unrivalled coverage of philately and superb coverage of classic stamps, GB and Commonwealth, thematics, new issues, auction realisations, errors, postal history and cinderellas.
It is a 'must-have' for both experienced and new collectors with a multitude of unmissable monthly features including news, informed opinion within the field and a global range of finely-researched features.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Stamp Magazine Feb-17.