CARPology Magazine  |  Issue 248
180 acres of crystal-clear, windswept water containing the finest carp—it sounds like paradise, and it certainly was for Davy Claus. But the stunning carp that resided there (like the one on our cover this month) didn’t grace the banks without a lot of hard work. In the first of a two-part series, Davy recalls the workload, the lows and the extreme highs of his campaign. Elsewhere in the issue, we have the second part of Frank Warwick’s most honest interview ever, this time talking about ultimate single hookbaits, Tel’s involvement with the Chod Rig, and future plans. We step-by-step Tom Dove’s incredible spod mix which contributed to a 60+ hit on Brasenose 1. Nigel Sharp reveals how he conquered the UK’s most historic (and pressured) venue, and Martyn Skoyles tells you about his lunch-break sessions.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in CARPology Magazine Issue 248.