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Aeroplane Icons Magazine Hawker Harrier Edizione posteriore

8 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Development of the Vertical Take-off concept

Design of the P.1127 begins while Nato looks towards a more ambitious future

The Harrier enters service with the Royal Air Force


The Royal Navy acquires the Sea Harrier and the AV-8B “Super Harrier” is born

The AV-8B enters service and Britain abandons its ingenious creation
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Aeroplane Icons

Hawker Harrier PERPENDICULAR PROPULSION Development of the Vertical Take-off concept SUPERSONIC SIDELINE Design of the P.1127 begins while Nato looks towards a more ambitious future COMBAT CONSIDERATIONS The Harrier enters service with the Royal Air Force HARRIER IN DETAIL MARITIME MANOEUVRINGS The Royal Navy acquires the Sea Harrier and the AV-8B “Super Harrier” is born SECOND GENERATION WOES The AV-8B enters service and Britain abandons its ingenious creation

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Issue Cover

Aeroplane Icons  |  Hawker Harrier  

Development of the Vertical Take-off concept

Design of the P.1127 begins while Nato looks towards a more ambitious future

The Harrier enters service with the Royal Air Force


The Royal Navy acquires the Sea Harrier and the AV-8B “Super Harrier” is born

The AV-8B enters service and Britain abandons its ingenious creation
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Aeroplane ICONS is a series of bookazines telling the stories of iconic aircraft. Taking an in-depth look at a selection of Britain’s most worthy and pioneering aircraft from the 1930s to the 1960s, each issue focuses exclusively on a single aircraft type, charting its design, production, flight-testing, variants and ensuing career. Military exploits and daring escapades are thrillingly recalled with pilot recollections and historical records, while testimonies from designers and engineers detail the efforts required to get their creations airborne.

Each ICONS title features original and sometimes never-before-published material from Aeroplane’s extensive archive of stunning period photography. Additionally, reprints of articles from Flight and Aeroplane magazines offer a truly enlightening historical view of the aviation industry and its importance to Britain, particularly during the wartime and post-war era.

Coupled with contemporary ‘where are they now’ features and photography, the life of each ICON is brought to up to date and remaining ‘survivors’ are often noted along with their final locations, should the reader wish to explore further.

Highlighting some of the great aircraft, such as the Blenheim, Sunderland and Lightning, this series is the perfect read for aviation enthusiasts looking to explore the in-depth history behind these iconic aeroplanes.

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Basato su 8 Recensioni dei clienti
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Good Series of Bookzines on Iconic Military Aircraft

Good Series of Bookzines on Iconic Military Aircraft Recensito 02 ottobre 2018

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